Books or Book Chapters
Taungya in the PhilippinesbackgroundThis book chapter provides a description of the ecological effects of deforestation in the Philippines and a history of the failed social forestry programs that began in the 1970s. Open access copy available |
Philippine Resins, Gums, Seed Oils, and Essential OilsbackgroundThis bulletin is a compendium of plant species containing exudate or oils that might be commercially exploited. The book also describes the difficulty posed by high species-diversity for economically feasible resin/oil extraction. Open access copy available |
A Preliminary Working Plan for the Public Forest Tract of the Mindoro Lumber and Logging Company, Bongabon, Mindoro, Philippine IslandsSummaryThis is a Bureau of Forestry management plan for a 20-year concession held by the Mindoro Lumber and Logging Company. The document provides site description, descriptions of different forest types, stand types, and tree species, yield tables for different forest types, brief financial analysis, and description of minor forest products. (wood properties, growth habit, etc) Available with subscription or purchase |
Tropical Reforestation in the Asia-Pacific RegionbackgroundThis chapter reviews the meaning and implementation of landscape scale restoration in the Asia-Pacific region. The authors define landscape as a spatial mosaic with differing land use patterns across a gradient, usually involving natural and human-intervened areas which changes through time. Available with subscription or purchase |
Reforestation and FarmersBackgroundThis chapter provides an overview of reforestation programs involving smallholder farmers, highlighting factors that influence the attractiveness of reforestation to different types of farmers. Available with subscription or purchase |
Manual para restauração florestal: florestas de transição (Manual of forest restoration: transition forests)Open access copy available |
Vegetation recovery on earthquake-triggered landslide sites in the Ecuadorian AndesBackgroundIn this study, researchers surveyed vegetation in a landslide on the Quijos river in Ecuador and inventoried species distribution at distances along the landslide. Conclusions & TakeawaysThe authors found that species composition at the upper limit of the landslide is most similar to the plant composition of the forest, indicating that the forest is an important pool of colonizers. The authors suggest that earthquake landslides are common and an important contributor to floristic diversity Available with subscription or purchase |
Smallholder plantations in the tropics – local people between outgrower schemes and reforestation programmesBackgroundAs part of a book on plantation forestry, this chapter focuses on smallholders and plantation forestry. The authors combine studies from Asia, Africa, and South America with their own experience and data from Brazil. The authors outline the different systems of plantation forestry for smallholders including those initiated by commericial entities such as outgrower schemes. Governments and non-profits inititate programs for ecosystem services or income generation through agroforestry. They also emphasize that smallholders intitiate their own efforts of production forests, agroforestry systems, and homegardens. Open access copy available |
Sustainable Management of Mangrove Resources through a Participatory Approach - KenyabackgroundThis study reviews an ongoing mangrove restoration project in the Ghazi region of Kenya. The study seeks to improve the sustainable development and conservation of mangrove forests in order to enhance productivity of natural resources in ways that sustain continuous flow of desired forest products and services. All 10 mangroves found in the Indian Ocean region are found in Ghazi. The dominant mangroves in the Ghazi area are Rhizophora mucronata, Ceriops tagal and Avicennia marina. Open access copy available |
18 Secondary Forests in West Africa: A Challenge and Opportunity for ManagementbackgroundThis chapter discusses the importance and threats to secondary forests in West Africa, and the description of the floristic diversity and forest succession in secondary forest ecosystems. In addition, silvicultural and complementary management systems and the opportunities and challenges related are also discussed. Open access copy available |