Tropical Wet Forest

Differences in Seedling Survival and Growth among Tropical Rain Forest Pioneers in Relation to Canopy Openness and Herbivory.


The study monitored the effect of canopy openness and herbivore damage on seedling survival and growth of 960 individuals of six pioneer tree species: Dillenia triquetra, Macaranga indica, Macaranga peltata, Schumacheria castaneifolia, Trema orientalis, and Wendlandia bicuspidata.

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Análisis de cambios de paisaje: Tournavista – Campo Verde y su área de influencia pérdida y fragmentación de bosques: 1963 – 2000 (Landscape change analysis: Tournavista – Campo Verde and its area of influence, forest fragmentation and loss 1963)


​El estudio analiza los efectos causados por la colonización en Tournavista, Peru, a partir de 1963 y estima los impactos y degradación provocados usando métodos de teledetección.

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Diversidad y dinámica de un bosque subandino de altitud en la región norte de los Andes colombianos (Diversity and dynamics in a high altitude sub-Andean forest en the northern Colombian Andes)



Los estudios de la dinámica natural de los bosques de montaña han recibido muy poca atención en Colombia. Contar con información sobre las tasas de mortalidad y reclutamiento es especialmente importante para su conservación.

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Patterns of Carbon Sequestration in Forests of Western Ghats and Study of Applicability of Remote Sensing in Generating Carbon Credits through Afforestation/Reforestation


Using ground-based observations coupled with satellite remote sensing, this study aims to estimate the potential of the forests of Radhanagari Wildlife Sanctuary (Western Ghats, India) to sequester atmospheric carbon dioxide and to identify land which has the potential for reforestation activity under the Clean Development Mechanism.

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Disturbance and Tropical Pioneer Species: Patterns of Association Across Life History Stages


The authors studied pioneer species common in the Sinharaja World Heritage Reserve in Sri Lanka to characterize differences in relation to canopy openness and type, and intensity of disturbance using a combination of field work, canopy photos, and regression models.

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REDD+ Readiness Implications for Sri Lanka in Terms of Reducing Deforestation


This study constructs a historical reference level of emissions from deforestation in Sri Lanka using available forest inventory data and in situ carbon density data. It also attempts to identify drivers of deforestation in Sri Lanka and to estimate the opportunity cost and possible climate benefits of forest conservation.

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Variation in Canopy Structure, Light and Soil Nutrition Across Elevation of a Sri Lankan Tropical Rain Forest


This study aims to examine differences in resource availability across elevation and geology in mixed dipterocarp forest by measuring light, soil nutrition and soil water availability in relation to forest structure in southwest Sri Lanka.

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Ectomycorrhizal Colonization and Seedling Growth of Shorea (Dipterocarpaceae) Species in Simulated Shade Environments of a Sri Lankan Rain Forest


This study examines how the degree of ectomycorrhizal (EM) colonization of potted Shorea spp. is associated with the amount and quality of daily photosynthetic photon flux density (PFD).

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The Impact of Forest Use and Reforestation on Soil Hydraulic Conductivity in the Western Ghats of India: Implications for Surface and Sub-Surface Hydrology


This article presents research on the surface and sub-surface permeability of degraded and restored forests and their dominant stormflow pathways  in the humid tropics of Uttar Kannada district, Karnataka, India. The authors attempt to determine to what extent field saturated hydraulic conductivity (K*) isaltered due to long-term forest degradation as compared to other studies in the humid tropics. They quantify changes in permeability following forestation of plantations and degraded landscapes and investigate the likely effect of wet-season conditions and the implications this has for predicting hydrologic consequences of forest degradation.

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Avian Communities in Forest Fragments and Reforestation Areas Associated with Banana Plantations in Costa Rica


This study evaluates the avian diversity value of reforested and secondary forest fragments in a matrix of banana plantations in Caribbean Costa Rica. In Costa Rica, banana producers (Dole and Delmonte) retain riparian buffer forests in addition to reforestation on lands removed from production. Zygia longifolia dominated reforested and secondary forest fragments. 

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