Tropical Wet Forest
Finding the money for tropical forest restorationBackgroundForest in tropical countries have experienced significant changes due to human activity, shifting primarily to agricultural or urban lands. This change not only leads to loss of biodiversity but it also affects the supply of valubale forest products and ecosystem services. This study calls for a shift in rhetoric in forest restoration to go beyond a conservation agenda and to include economic benefits. The article discusses the economic dimensions of forest restoration to justify their claim, drawing heavily on experience in the Brazilian Atlantic forest. Open access copy available |
Biodiversity Persistence in Highly Human-modified Tropical Landscapes Depends on Ecological RestorationbackgroundThis paper shows how forest restoration can enhance biodiversity using case studies from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Open access copy available |
Tropical rain forest fragmentation and its ecological and species diversity changes in Southern YunnanBackgroundAnimal species richness is understood to decline with fragmentation of tropical forests. While the same is assumed of plant species richness, fewer studies have been undertaken on this subject. This study on sacred groves in southern Yunnan, southwestern China, evaluates the plant species richness of these tropical rainforest fragments. Open access copy available |
Effects of Fragmentation of the Atlantic Forest on Mammal Communities in South-Eastern BrazilBackgroundThe author presents a detailed analysis of the community of large and medium-sized mammals present in six remnants of the low Atlantic forest in Brazil. The six remnants had varying sizes: small (200 ha), medium (2,000 ha) and large (20,000 ha). The study seeks to (1) identify the mammal species richness and the relative abundance of individuals surviving in each reserve, and (2) analyze changes in the structure of the mammal community contrasting the relative abundances of orders and dietary categories between reserves of differing sizes. Available with subscription or purchase |
Differences in Seedling Survival and Growth among Tropical Rain Forest Pioneers in Relation to Canopy Openness and Herbivory.BackgroundThe study monitored the effect of canopy openness and herbivore damage on seedling survival and growth of 960 individuals of six pioneer tree species: Dillenia triquetra, Macaranga indica, Macaranga peltata, Schumacheria castaneifolia, Trema orientalis, and Wendlandia bicuspidata. Available with subscription or purchase |
Restoring working forests in human dominated landscapes of tropical South Asia: An introductionBackgroundThe resource issues around restoring human dominated landscapes in tropical South Asia are complex and can be divided into topics concerning forest fragmentation and restoration. This review article discusses key subjects in forest fragmentation and restoration in South Asia. Available with subscription or purchase |
Análisis de cambios de paisaje: Tournavista – Campo Verde y su área de influencia pérdida y fragmentación de bosques: 1963 – 2000 (Landscape change analysis: Tournavista – Campo Verde and its area of influence, forest fragmentation and loss 1963)EspañolEl estudio analiza los efectos causados por la colonización en Tournavista, Peru, a partir de 1963 y estima los impactos y degradación provocados usando métodos de teledetección. Available with subscription or purchase |
Diversidad y dinámica de un bosque subandino de altitud en la región norte de los Andes colombianos (Diversity and dynamics in a high altitude sub-Andean forest en the northern Colombian Andes)EspañolantecedentesLos estudios de la dinámica natural de los bosques de montaña han recibido muy poca atención en Colombia. Contar con información sobre las tasas de mortalidad y reclutamiento es especialmente importante para su conservación. Open access copy available |
Patterns of Carbon Sequestration in Forests of Western Ghats and Study of Applicability of Remote Sensing in Generating Carbon Credits through Afforestation/ReforestationBackgroundUsing ground-based observations coupled with satellite remote sensing, this study aims to estimate the potential of the forests of Radhanagari Wildlife Sanctuary (Western Ghats, India) to sequester atmospheric carbon dioxide and to identify land which has the potential for reforestation activity under the Clean Development Mechanism. Available with subscription or purchase |
Disturbance and Tropical Pioneer Species: Patterns of Association Across Life History StagesBAckgroundThe authors studied pioneer species common in the Sinharaja World Heritage Reserve in Sri Lanka to characterize differences in relation to canopy openness and type, and intensity of disturbance using a combination of field work, canopy photos, and regression models. Available with subscription or purchase |