Tropical Wet Forest

REDD+ Readiness Implications for Sri Lanka in Terms of Reducing Deforestation


This study constructs a historical reference level of emissions from deforestation in Sri Lanka using available forest inventory data and in situ carbon density data. It also attempts to identify drivers of deforestation in Sri Lanka and to estimate the opportunity cost and possible climate benefits of forest conservation.

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Variation in Canopy Structure, Light and Soil Nutrition Across Elevation of a Sri Lankan Tropical Rain Forest


This study aims to examine differences in resource availability across elevation and geology in mixed dipterocarp forest by measuring light, soil nutrition and soil water availability in relation to forest structure in southwest Sri Lanka.

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Ectomycorrhizal Colonization and Seedling Growth of Shorea (Dipterocarpaceae) Species in Simulated Shade Environments of a Sri Lankan Rain Forest


This study examines how the degree of ectomycorrhizal (EM) colonization of potted Shorea spp. is associated with the amount and quality of daily photosynthetic photon flux density (PFD).

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The Impact of Forest Use and Reforestation on Soil Hydraulic Conductivity in the Western Ghats of India: Implications for Surface and Sub-Surface Hydrology


This article presents research on the surface and sub-surface permeability of degraded and restored forests and their dominant stormflow pathways  in the humid tropics of Uttar Kannada district, Karnataka, India. The authors attempt to determine to what extent field saturated hydraulic conductivity (K*) isaltered due to long-term forest degradation as compared to other studies in the humid tropics. They quantify changes in permeability following forestation of plantations and degraded landscapes and investigate the likely effect of wet-season conditions and the implications this has for predicting hydrologic consequences of forest degradation.

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Avian Communities in Forest Fragments and Reforestation Areas Associated with Banana Plantations in Costa Rica


This study evaluates the avian diversity value of reforested and secondary forest fragments in a matrix of banana plantations in Caribbean Costa Rica. In Costa Rica, banana producers (Dole and Delmonte) retain riparian buffer forests in addition to reforestation on lands removed from production. Zygia longifolia dominated reforested and secondary forest fragments. 

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Managing Forest Remnants and Forest Gardens in Peru and Indonesia

This chapter describes the forest management of flooded vareza of the Amazon forest in the Napo-Amazon floodplain in Peru. The area is rarely cultivated intensively due to flooding, but human populations have always been higher in this region than in upland forest areas of the Amazon. Some of the most important forest areas are known as capinurales, home to the capinuri tree (Maquira coriaceae), which is harvested for wood and resin. Inga spp. and Rheedia spp. (carichuelo) are collected for fruit.

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Quantitative Assessment of People-Oriented Forestry in Bangladesh: A Case Study in the Tangail Forest Division


This research evaluates the profitability of three different types of plantation - strip, agroforestry, and woodlot - grown via a people-oriented forestry program in Bangladesh.

Research Goals & Methods

This research is based on case study analysis and utilizes participant interviews, focus group discussions, and analyzing annual costs from the Tangail Divisional Forest office.  From this data, the researchers were able to describe net present values and benfit-cost ratios.

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Semeando Sustentabilidade em Apuí (Seedling Sustainability in Apuí)

The project aims to strengthen environmental management in Apuí, and to increase capacity for the development of more sustainable productive activities. To achieve this goal the project works simultaneously on reinforcing the network of seeds and seedling production, strengthening institutions, supporting planting and forest conservation, building capacity of landholders in rural properties, and providing environmental education and assistance for the creation of a development plan for the municipality. By means of the rotational management of pastures, the project predicts that it will be possible to identify the best alternative to increase production and profitability while simultaneously halting the advancement of deforestation.

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Fitossociologia de uma área de preservação permanente no Leste da Amazônia: indicação de espécies para recuperação de áreas alteradas

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Manejo e recuperação de mata ciliar em regiões florestais da Amazônia (Management and recovering of riparian forests in forest regions of the Amazon)

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