
Publicaciones del Centro de Innovación Científica Amazónica (Peru)

El Centro de Innovación Científica Amazónica (CINCIA) genera conocimiento científico e integra este conocimiento para elaborar iniciativas de gestión ambiental para promover el desarrollo sostenible y, cuando sea necesario, la restauración y la reforestación en la Amazonia peruana. 


The Center for Amazonian Scientific Innovation (CINCIA) generates scientific knowledge and integrates this knowledge to craft environmental management initiatives to promote sustainable development and, where needed, restoration and reforestation in the Peruvian Amazon. 

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Propagación vegetativa de bambú nativo en la Amazonía Peruana

Los bambúes pertenecen a una de las 12 subfamilias de la familia Poaceae. En el Perú, tres especies, presentan potencial de uso: Guadua lynnclarkiae Londoño; Guadua weberbaueri Pilg; y Guadua superba Huber. Todas ellas encuentran su habitat en la zona andina y amazonica del Peru: entre los departamentos de San Martín, Amazonas, Cusco, Huánuco, Junín, Loreto, Madre de Dios, Pasco y Ucayali. No obstante, existen aun vacios de informacion acerca de sus formas de multiplicación,

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Parcelas permanentes para producción de semillas forestales nativas: experiencia en Molinopampa, Amazonas – Perú

El establecimiento de nuevas fuentes semilleras mediante plantación es parte invariable de un programa continuo de abastecimiento de semillas y mejoramiento forestal. En ese sentido, el rodal semillero, se define generalmente como un “rodal superior que es aclarado y mejorado a través de la remoción de árboles indeseables y que es manejada para una producción pronta y abundante de semillas”. El manual es una guía para la instalación de rodales semilleros para la producción de semillas en el mediano y largo plazo, de tal manera, contribuir al repoblamiento de escenarios degradados y deforestados de la región Amazonas.


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Descripción de cuatro especies maderables de bosques del distrito Molinopampa, Amazonas - Perú para producción en viveros forestales

La determinación correcta de las características botánicas de las especies maderables es escencial antes de inicial cualquier proceso de instalación de plantaciones forestales. Este reporte se enfoca en cuatro especies maderables: Alnus acuminata, Cedrela odorata, Gordonia fruticosa y Solanum pseudosycophant debido a su importancia económica y las múltiples posibilidades de utilización por parte de los reforestadores industriales y campesinos.

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20th-Century hurricanes leave long-lasting legacies on tropical forest height and the abundance of a dominant wind-resistant palm


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The potential of secondary forests to restore biodiversity of the lost forests in semi-deciduous West Africa


The human population in West Africa has increased considerably over the past four decades, leading to a high demand for food. This has led to the conversion of vast forest lands to agricultural lands in the region. Degraded forest landscapes have the capacity to regain fertility and naturally regenerate, resulting in the widespread spread of secondary forests in West Africa. Despite the significant presence of secondary forests in the region, there is rare knowledge about forest successional stages and general dynamics.

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Carbon sequestration and biodiversity following 18 years of active tropical forest restoration


Vast tropical forests have been degraded and converted to other land uses such as agriculture. Degraded forests can regenerate naturally to improve biodiversity and carbon sequestration. However, major degradation factors, such as wildfires, hinder natural regeneration. Forest restoration can play an essential role in such circumstances. Nonetheless, research on methods to increase carbon storage and improve the ecosystem function of tropical forests is limited.

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Restoring tropical forests on lands mined for bauxite: Examples from the Brazilian Amazon


Effective forest restoration is required to avoid the adverse environmental impacts of mining. However, restorationists working in most tropical regions lack the requisite knowledge of species selection and disturbance ecology to aid in mimicking the pre-disturbed ecosystem.  One noteworthy exception to this is the forest restoration initiative created by a Brazilian bauxite mining company operating at Trombetas in Pará State, central Amazonia, since the early 1980s.

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Developing a framework for sustainable development indicators for the mining and minerals industry


Minerals are essential to a variety of industries that help in everyday life. However, the extraction of minerals is often associated with numerous negative environmental impacts. The mining industry is responsible for more pressing sustainability challenges than any other industry. The mining industry must address these challenges by addressing the concerns of different stakeholders, as demonstrated by the Mining, Minerals and Sustainable Development project.

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Understanding the importance of primary tropical forest protection as a mitigation strategy


Primary tropical forests play a key role in the urgent task of mitigating climate change. Nevertheless, despite the recognition of forest-based mitigation strategies, the role of primary forest protection has not been explicitly considered in international policy negotiations. The authors aim to address this deficit by estimating primary tropical forest ecosystem carbon stocks and flows.

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