
Mangrove Reforestation at Six Lakes


Mangrove forests provide a wide range of benefits; they are used as spawning grounds for fish, have medicinal properties, and protect against flood waves. Yet, mangroves around the world are being degraded. Specifically, in 2004 in Sri Lanka a Tsunami severely damaged the countries mangrove forests. The Mangrove Reforestation at Six Lakes aims to remedy this destruction.

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Himachal Pradesh Reforestation Project


After a series of consultations with a variety of stakeholders, the MidHimalayan Watershed Development Project was established in order to reforest critical areas in the Siwalik hills. 

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Cooperative Afforestation in Sirsa, Haryana


This CDM project targets an area affected by aeolian (wind blown) sand, and with degraded croplands spread across eight villages. The area comprises 369.87 ha belonging to 227 farmers; which is generally left to fallow. Large areas of land are without any vegetation due to frequent dust storms of various intensities. The dust storms toss up large amount of sand, dust and suspended particles into the air and pollute the ambient atmosphere. 

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Indonesia Reforestation Project


Based in Tokyo, Japan, Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Company has a sustainability branch that pioneers environmental activities around the world. One of these activities is a tropical reforestation project in the Republic of Indonesia, which began in 2005. This project mainly takes place in the Yogyakarta Special Province Wildlife Reserve Restoration and Recovery in Java.

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Root architecture and allocation patterns of eight native tropical species with different successional status used in open-grown mixed plantations in Panama


While an increasing number of native tropical trees are under study for reforestation and commercial plantations, the majority of studies on trees in the tropics have concentrated on the aboveground aspects of tree growth. This study investigates biomass allocation and root architecture of eight tropical species with different successional status.

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Carbon Sequestration and Plant Community Dynamics Following Reforestation of Tropical Pasture


Conversion of abandoned cattle pasture to secondary forest in the tropics is a potential means to increase carbon sequestration as well as to enhance local biodiversity. This study uses data from a long-term tropical reforestation project – Luquillo Experimental Forest in Puerto Rico – to estimate rates of above- and belowground carbon sequestration.

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Species-Rich but Distinct Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Communities in Reforestation Plots on Degraded Pastures and in Neighboring Pristine Tropical Mountain Rain Forest


This study compares the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) of 4 native species saplings growing in three types of fire-degraded pasture (recently abandoned, bracken covered, and shrub covered pasture) to the AMF richness and composition of 30 adult tree species in neighboring primary forest.

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The authors sequenced a segment of fungal 18S rDNA from the mycorrhizas; in total, 193 glomeromycotan sequences were analyzed, with 130 of them being published for the first time.

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Cloudbridge Reforestation Project


The mission of the Cloudbridge Reforestation Project is to rebuild a deforested part of tropical cloud forest using native trees to bridge a gap between two mountainside forests.  Local people as well as tree consultants are hired to plant the native species.  

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Between and Within-Site Comparisons of Structural and Physiological Characteristics and Foliar Nutrient Content of 14 Tree Species at a Wet, Fertile Site and a Dry, Infertile Site in Panama


This study seeks to analyze how stress resulting from different amounts of precipitation and soil nutrients affects tree growth. The study hypothesized that tree structure and physiology as well as foliar nutrient content would be significantly different between the sites, and trees at the wet, fertile sites would perform better. Secondly, the study hypothesized finding a greater variability of integrated tree growth at the drier site, as plant stress is expected to accentuate differences in performance. Lastly, it was hypothesized that leaf mass area and foliar N would predict photosynthetic capacity.

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Impacts of Herbicide Application and Mechanical Cleanings on Growth and Mortality of Two Timber Species in Saccharum spontaneum Grasslands of the Panama Canal Watershed


This study evaluates the effectiveness of weed control treatments (herbicide application and mechanical cleanings) in promoting the growth and survival of the exotic tree species Tectona grandis and the native tree species Terminalia amazonia.

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