Use of Fruit Essential Oils to Assist Forest Regeneration by BatsbackgroundThis study details techniques for attracting bats to an area to facilitate seed dispersal in degraded areas in and around Parque Estadual Vila Rica do Espírito Santo in Fênix, Paraná, Brazil. Available with subscription or purchase |
Pacto pela restauração da mata atlântica: referencial dos conceitos e ações de restauração florestal (Pact for the Restoration of the Atlantic Forest: Reference for Concepts and Action of Forest Restoration)An overview of theory, rationale, and techniques for restoration and reforestation of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. The chapters covered the following subjects: An explanation of the evolution of restoration techniques and methodologies as the practice of restoration has become more sophisticated; Environmental diagnostics of areas to be restored; Monitoring of areas as a tool to evaluate effectiveness of methodologies; Quantification and monitoring of biomass and carbon in planted areas; Restoration methods for economic benefits; and Description of operational actions for restoration.
Open access copy available |
Technical and Financial Analysis of Enrichment Planting in Logging Gaps as a Potential Component of Forest Management in the Eastern AmazonbackgroundThis study investigates the potential for managing timber tree species regeneration in disturbed areas within logged forests in the eastern Amazon through the experimental introduction of seeds and seedlings. Available with subscription or purchase |
Restoration of a Coastal Swamp Forest in Southeast BrazilbackgroundThis study evaluates the potential for nine native tree and shrub species for use in the revegetation of degraded swamps in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Research Goals & MethodsInvasive grasses and other vegetation, including the exotic tree Casuarina equisetifolia were removed from the site. Available with subscription or purchase |
Forest Recovery after Swidden Cultivation across a 40-year Chronosequence in the Atlantic Forest of Southern Bahia, BrazilbackgroundSecondary forest with a range of ages was compared to old growth forest in the Serra do Conduru State Park in Southern Bahia, Brazil in terms of species composition and structure. Open access copy available |
Amazon Reforestation ProjectBACKGROUNDThis resource presents the mission of the Amazon Reforestation Project (ARP) which aims to conserve tropical rainforest and conduct forest restoration on deforested lands in the Brazilian Amazon. Located on over 1 million hectares of land in the state of Amazonas, this project aims to serve as an example for large scale conservation and restoration in this region, where increasing development and globalization of Manaus is leading to increased opportunities and incentives for deforestation. Full resource not available online |
High Diversity Forest Restoration in Degraded Areas: Methods and Projects in BrazilbackgroundThis book addresses different approaches to the restoration of degraded, high diversity tropical and subtropical forests, including methods and empirical results. Available with subscription or purchase |
Restoration of Tropical Forest EcosystemsBACKGROUNDThis book presents a compilation of papers presented at a symposium on "Restoration of Tropical Forest Ecosystems" that occurred in Bonn, Germany during October of 1991. The event, sponsored by Mitsubishi Corporation, addressed the reasons for tropical forest destruction, opportunities and challenges for restoration, rehabilitation and management. This book presents perspectives of authors from different countries and contexts on forestry, ecology, and nature conservation to address the need for restoration and rehabilitation of tropical forests. Open access copy available |
A Comparative Study of Tree Establishment in Abandoned Pasture and Mature Forest of Eastern AmazoniaBackgroundThis study compares seedling establishment, seed availability, seed predation, seedling herbivory, and abiotic barriers to tree establishment in recently abandoned pasture, treefall gaps, and mature forest understory in Pará State, Brazil. Open access copy available |
Strategies for the Recovery of Degraded Ecosystems: Experiences from Latin AmericabackgroundThis paper reviews the rehabilitation potential of native species forest plantations in lowland Costa Rica, the Atlantic Forest of Bahia, Brazil, and sub-tropical Argentina. Native species can improve forest regeneration where soils are degraded and where sources of propagules are limited. While most tropical plantations are dominated by exotic species, native trees may be more appropriate because they are better adapted to the local environment, are already familiar to local farmers, and their propagules are locally available. Open access copy available |