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Scolel'te Plan Vivo Project


Starting with a pilot program in 1994, the Scolel'te Project is one of the longest running projects in the Plan Vivo network. It is an ecosystem services program that focuses primarily on reforestation in the Chiapas region of Mexico. 

Open access copy available

The Agroforestree Database


The Agroforestree (AFT) Database was created in 2009 by the World Forestry Centre and provides specifics and selection guides on both native and exotic agroforestry trees. 

Open access copy available

Forest Plantations in Costa Rica and Nicaragua: Performance of Species and Preferences of Farmers


This paper presents data on the survival and growth of mixed native and exotic forest plantations established on abandoned pastures in Costa Rica and Nicaragua. The article also includes information on farmer species preference and socioeconomic information.

Open access copy available