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A Financial Analysis of Small-Scale Tropical Reforestation with Native Species in Costa Rica


This article describes the financial expenses and revenues incurred by the 15th year of a small native species plantation in Costa Rica.

research goals & methods

Forecasting models incorporate growth patterns, production costs, and wood prices to determine the net present value and internal rate of return for the project.

Open access copy available

Coffee Agroforestry Systems in Central America: I. A Review of Quantitative Information on Physiological and Ecological Processes


Open access copy available

Indigenous Trees in West African Forest Plantations: The Need for Domestication by Clonal Techniques


This study evaluates native species tree plantations across West Africa by summarizing existing information on the yield of those plantations, with particular focus on the Cameroon Forest Management and Regeneration Project. It considers the potential for vegetative propagation and clonal selection to increase growth rates and marketability of native species.

Open access copy available

Effect of Taungya on Regeneration of Endemic Forest Tree Species in Nigeria: Edo State Nigeria as a Case Study


This study aims to investigate the number of native species that can regenerate under natural conditions in a 3-year Taungya system in Edo State, Nigeria. Taungya is an agroforestry system that combines forestry practices with agriculture and agriculture-related activities.

Open access copy available

The Restoration of Degraded Forests in Ghana: A Case Study in the Offinso Forest District


Open access copy available

The Socio-Economic Effects of Ghana's Government Afforestation Project on Beneficiary Farmers in the Dormaa District of the Brong Ahafo region of Ghana


Forests play a central role in Ghana's global economy and local livelihoods, yet degradation and overharvesting continue to be an issue. In response, the Ghana government implemented an afforstation program in 2001 to restock forests and help alleviate poverty. 

Open access copy available