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Enriching the Tropical Rain Forest with Native Fruit Trees: A Biological and Economic Analysis in Los Tuxtlas (Veracruz, Mexico)


This doctoral thesis compares the net present value of planting three native tree species in comparison with cattle pasture in Los Tuxtlas, Mexico.

Open access copy available

Les parcs agroforestiers en Basse Casamance: Contribution du Parkia biglobosa (néré) à la réduction des risques de pauvreté des ménages de la communauté rurale de Mangagoulack, au Sénégal (Agroforestry parks in Basse Casamance)

The author describes how agroforestry parks have played a role in alleviating poverty in a rural community in Senegal. In particular, the author discusses the native African locust bean, or néré, as a successful agroforestry species.


Open access copy available