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Potential of Agroforestry and Plantation Systems in Indonesia for Carbon Stocks: an Economic Perspective


Open access copy available

Tree species diversity and vegetation structure in shade coffee farms in Veracruz, Mexico


While some studies have argued that shade coffee enables similar biodiversity to remnant forest fragments, others contest that the ecological functions of shade coffee can be assumed to be the same or that policies promoting shade coffee will also benefit remnant forest fragments. Not all taxa have been thoroughly studied in shade coffee. This study reports on tree species diversity and vegetation structure in shade coffee farms in Veracruz, Mexico.

Open access copy available

Shaded-Coffee: A Nature-Based Strategy for Coffee Production Under Climate Change? A Review


Coffee agroforestry systems are a natural climate solution that are used to reduce the impact of coffee cultivation on ecosystem health. Coffee generates over $200 billion in income globally each year, so ensuring the efficiency and success of cultivation is crucial for human livelihood. Coffee agroforestry systems are often variable, and there lacks a compiled knowledge base about these systems and practices.

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