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SPVS Reforestation in the Coastal Atlantic Forest, Brazil

Open access copy available

Growth and effects of thinning of mixed and pure plantations with native trees in humid tropical Costa Rica


As reforestation with native tree species gains in popularity, more information about proper management is needed. This study examines the growth and responses to thinning of ten native species in mixed and pure-species plantations in the Caribbean Lowlands of Costa Rica.

Open access copy available

Strategies for the Recovery of Degraded Ecosystems: Experiences from Latin America


Open access copy available

Crecimiento de especies forestales nativas en la zona norte de Costa Rica (Growth of native forest species in the north area of Costa Rica)



El estudio evalúa el comportamiento y crecimiento de cinco especies nativas utilizadas en la reforestación de llanuras del trópico húmedo de Costa Rica.

Open access copy available

Relação entre a presença de vegetação herbácea e a regeneração natural de espécies lenhosas em pastagens abandonadas na Floresta Ombrófila Densa do Sul do Brasil

Open access copy available