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Discolouring the Amazon Rainforest: how deforestation is affecting butterfly coloration


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Carbon loss and removal due to forest disturbance and regeneration in the Amazon


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Active restoration accelerates the carbon recovery of human-modified tropical forests


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Agroforestry systems recover tree carbon stock faster than natural succession in Eastern Amazon, Brazil


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Restoring soil carbon and chemical properties through silvopastoral adoption in the Colombian Amazon region


The traditional livestock production in this region causes the loss of forest areas each year, leading to soil degradation and loss of biodiversity. Silvopastoral systems have become an attractive alternative with positive effects for the environment, society, and the regional economy. The study was conducted in two counties in the northwestern Colombian Amazon, which are representative of the hilly landscape typical for Silvopastoral systems implementation. 

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Carbon sequestration and nutrient cycling in agroforestry systems on degraded soils of Eastern Amazon, Brazil


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Co-benefits in biodiversity conservation and carbon stock during forest regeneration in a preserved tropical landscape


Recognizing the connection between carbon stock and biodiversity has become more crucial in light of the requirements set by international agreements. Consequently, a vital and indispensable measure for guiding relevant global environmental initiatives is to empirically investigating the potential advantages of restoring degraded areas through forest regeneration. This approach aims to boost both aboveground carbon stock and biodiversity, moving them closer to their natural levels.

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Silvicultural opportunities for increasing carbon stock in restoration of Atlantic forests in Brazil


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The carbon sink of secondary and degraded humid tropical forests


The Forest and Land use Declaration from the 26th Climate Change Conference of the Parties underscores the crucial role of tropical moist forests  as a nature-based solution to address climate and ecological emergencies. However, the Amazon, Borneo, and Central Africa forests experience ongoing forest cover losses due to various anthropogenic drivers. This has led to a mosaic of recovering forests at different stages post-disturbance, with limited understanding of their impact on forest carbon dynamics. 

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Ecological filtering shapes the impacts of agricultural deforestation on biodiversity


Deforestation for agriculture poses a significant threat to biodiversity. However, the severity of these impacts varies in agricultural landscapes. This study emphasizes the need to understand the factors underlying this variation to predict future biodiversity impacts of agricultural land use. While previous studies focused on landscape features and management regimes, this article introduces the concept of filtering, suggesting that natural and anthropogenic filtering may shape biodiversity responses at large geographical scales

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Developing a framework for sustainable development indicators for the mining and minerals industry


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Restoring tropical forests on lands mined for bauxite: Examples from the Brazilian Amazon


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