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Restoring tropical forests from the bottom up


Written in 2017, this article acknowledges that numerous countries around the world have committed to restoring large areas of forest in the next decade or so. Given these challenging targets, the authors seeks to understand how they can be met given competing land uses. She draws on several case studies to answer this broad question, including ones from Brazil, Mexico, and Colombia. 

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Greening peace in Colombia


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Restoring forests as a means to many ends


The earth is nearly reaching environmental thresholds which can result in devastating effects of climate change and biodiversity loss. Failure to take action can lead to disruptions of ecosystems, economies, and the society. Protecting and restoring native ecosystems is needed, however, changes in forest cover have not been well understood. Also, the knowledge of where and how to focus such restoration efforts is still limited.

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Could 2021–2030 be the decade to couple new human values with ecological restoration? Valuable insights and actions are emerging from the Colombian Amazon


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Post-fire ecological restoration in Latin American forest ecosystems: Insights and lessons from the last two decades


Forests make up a significant portion of the earth’s aboveground biodiversity. Human-caused wildfires are a main driver of forest loss across Latin America and the Caribbean. The authors review literature to understand the causes of fires and strategies of post-fire restoration. They focus their search on more recent literature within the last two decades in order to highlight the most advanced methods. The authors also search for gaps in knowledge or application of fire restoration practices that may be hindering progress.

Open access copy available