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Application of Mycorrhizal Roots Improves Growth of Tropical Tree Seedlings in the Nursery: A Step Towards Reforestation with Native Species in the Andes of Ecuador


Open access copy available

Coffee Agroforestry Systems in Central America: I. A Review of Quantitative Information on Physiological and Ecological Processes


Open access copy available

Biodiversity Conservation in Traditional Coffee Systems of Mexico


This article discusses the capacity of traditional coffee agroforestry systems for maintaining biodiversity levels.

Open access copy available

Identifying Hotspots of Deforestation and Reforestation in Colombia (2001–2010): Implications for Protected Areas


This article uses satellite imagery, MODIS MOD13Q1 Vegetation Indices 250 , the Virtual Interpretation of EarthWeb-Interface Tool (VIEW-IT) to conduct a land-use analysis of Colombia, mapping trends and "hotspot" areas of deforestation and of reforestation from 2001 to 2010.

Open access copy available

Land Cover Change in Colombia: Surprising Forest Recovery Trends between 2001 and 2010


This study mapped annual land-use and land-cover from 2001 to 2010 in Colombia using MODIS (250 m) products coupled with reference data from high spatial resolution imagery (QuickBird) in Google Earth.

Open access copy available

Árboles Nativos y Ciudad: Aportes a la Silvicultura urbana de Medellín (Native Trees and the City: Lessons from urban silviculture in Medellin)



A pesar de la atención que la silvicultura urbana ha recibido a nivel conceptual en  la ciudad de Medellín, se presentan vacíos en la ejecució de acciones concretas a nivel Municipal. La implementación del Programa de Silvicultura Urbana en la ciudad de Medellín logra resultados hacia la mejora del paisaje urbano a cuatro años de haberse iniciado.

Open access copy available

A Multicountry Assessment of Tropical Resource Monitoring by Local Communities


The study compared data collected on status and trends collected independently by local community members and trained scientists for 63 taxa and five types of resource use in 34 tropical forest sites over 2.5 years so examine the assumption that local people are less objective than external scientists when monitoring natural resources.

Open access copy available