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Reasons for reforestation success and failure with three mangrove species in Colombia


This study examines the mortality and growth rates of the propagules, seedlings and saplings of three native mangrove species (A. germinans, L. racemosa, and R. mangle) in order to determine the ecological factors that influence tree growth and survival in deforested mangroves with restored hydrologic conditions on the Caribbean coast of Colombia.

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Plant Growth-Promoting Bacteria: A Potential Tool for Arid Mangrove Reforestation


Microbes (bacteria and fungi) play a crucial role in nutrient recycling in mangrove systems, which are nutrient deficient. Microbes make nutrients, especially nitrogen and phosphorous, available to mangroves, while mangroves may improve soil conditions for microbes (for example, by oxidizing the soil). PGPB may be nitrogen fixers, phosphate solubilizers, mineral uptake enhancers, and phytopathogen controllers.

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Monitoring of Black Mangrove Restoration with Nursery-Reared Seedlings on an Arid Coastal Lagoon


This paper describes a reforestation experiment with black mangrove (Avicennia germinans) in an arid mangrove forest of Baja California Sur, Mexico. In arid mangrove systems, natural regeneration and small-scale reforestation are not adequate to restore mangrove forests, as they may be in the humid tropics. Thus, alternative nursery techniques for arid mangroves must be developed.

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