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Annual report of the director of forestry of the Philippine Islands for the period 1907-1913


This report contains a number of sections relevant to early reforestation activities in the Philippines, including research on succession pathways, restoration experiments on degraded lands, tree nursery operations, and native species.

Open access copy available

Habitat Distribution of Dipterocarp Species in the Leyte Cordillera: an Indicator for Species – Site Suitability in Local Reforestation Programs


This article presents the results of a vegetation study in primary forest areas of Leyte, in vicinity of the case study site (near Mt. Pangasugan). It provides information on habitat distribution patterns and elevational ranges of dipterocarp species with the purpose of providing baseline data for ensuring species-site suitability for local reforestation programs.

Open access copy available

Designing Mixed Species Tree Plantations for the Tropics: Balancing Ecological Attributes of Species with Landholder Preferences in the Philippines


This paper reports on the assessment of forest stands planted as part of the Rainforestation Farming Program and the management of plantations by local landowners regarding the original intent of planting.

Open access copy available

Habitat Distribution of Dipterocarp Species in the Leyte Cordillera: An Indicator for Species – Site Suitability in Local Reforestation Programs


This article presents the results of a vegetation study in primary forest areas of the Leyte Cordillera in the Philippines, sampling populations of 18 species of Dipterocarp across topographic habitats and elevation classes. As a young volcanic cordillera, this tropical region is dominated by rugged topography, with slopes as steep as 30 to 60 degrees.

Open access copy available