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Restoring tropical diversity: beating the time tax on species lossBackgroundOpen access copy available |
The Potential for Carbon Sequestration Through Reforestation of Abandoned Tropical Agricultural and Pasture LandsbackgroundThis article reviews the field of carbon accumulation in tropical secondary forests to shed light on the ability of reforestation to encourage carbon sequestration. Available with subscription or purchase |
The Causes of the Reforestation in VietnambackgroundWood exploitation and agricultural expansion led to large-scale deforestation in Vietnam. Since the mid-1990s, forest cover in many areas has increased both in the form of natural regeneration and tree plantations. Policies such as the 1993 Land Law offered households rights to forestland and tree planting campaigns such as the Five Million Hectare Reforestation Programme made people responsible for owning and protecting forest land. Available with subscription or purchase |
Implications of Country-Level Decisions on the Specification of Crown Cover in the Definition of Forests for Land Area Eligible for Afforestation and Reforestation Activities in the CDMbackgroundOpen access copy available |
The Evolution of Reforestation in BrazilbackgroundThis article describes the history of incentives for reforestation in Brazil from the 1970s through 2001. Open access copy available |
Survival and Growth of Under-Planted Trees: A Meta-Analysis Across four BiomesbackgroundThis article is a meta-analysis synthesizing the results of survival and growth of under-planted trees in forests in tropical, temperate coastal, boreal, and temperate deciduous forests. Additionally, the survival and growth of these underplanted trees are evaluated according to the silvicultural treatment affecting density of the overstory: uncut, dense shelterwood, intermediate density shelterwood, light density shelterwood, clear cut. Open access copy available |
UNFCCC Negotiations (pre-Kyoto to COP-9): What the Process Says about the Politics of CDM-SinksbackgroundAvailable with subscription or purchase |
Institutional Dimensions of Payments for Ecosystem Services: An Analysis of Mexico's carbon Forestry ProgrammebackgroundAvailable with subscription or purchase |
Paying for Environmental Services: An Analysis of Participation in Costa Rica's PSA ProgrambackgroundThis study evaluates demographic and other factors that played a role in the participation of households in Costa Rica's Payment for Environmental Services program. Available with subscription or purchase |
Application of Assisted Natural Regeneration to Restore Degraded Tropical ForestlandsbackgroundAssisted natural regeneration (ANR) has been proposed as an alternative restoration method that reduces the costs and scalability barriers of other restoration alternatives. This article describes the steps to applying ANR to disturbed ecosystems where forest succession processes have been halted by dominant grass or fern monocultures. Available with subscription or purchase |
Tropical forest recovery: Legacies of human impact and natural disturbancesBackgroundLand-use history interacts with natural forces to influence the severity of disturbance events and the rate and nature of recovery processes in tropical forests. This perspective article highlights several trends in tropical forest recovery processes emerging from recent literature. Open access copy available |
Beyond Deforestation: Restoring Forests and Ecosystem Services on Degraded LandsBackgroundIn this review, the author presents the various stages of topical forest restoration. She describes a spectrum of reforestation approaches varying by time, cost, and biodiversity conservation value. Available with subscription or purchase |
When and Where to Actively Restore Ecosystems?BackgroundWhile conservation efforts around the world have focused on restoring degraded ecosystems to provide ecosystem services and benefit biodiversity, yet there has been an increasing recognition that certain ecosystems can rapidly recover without human intervention. This paper examines the question: what cases and to what extent should humans actively facilitate ecosystem recovery? Available with subscription or purchase |
Environmental Impacts of Community-Based Forest Management in the PhilippinesbackgroundThis article describes the history of the Community-Based Forest Management program in the Philippines. In the past century, over 70% of the Philippines' forests have been lost, and other existing lands degraded due to massive logging, extreme poverty, and shifting cultivation. Open access copy available |
Site and species selection — Changing perspectivesBackgroundPlantation forestry in the tropics today is characterized by increasing refinement of matching species with site and increasing emphasis on non-industrial purposes for growing trees. This perspective comments on the increased number of objectives that a tropical forester or scientist is called upon to fulfill. Available with subscription or purchase |
Rationale and Methods for Conserving Biodiversity in Plantation ForestsbackgroundWhen compared to degraded lands, developed lands, or areas of intensive industrial agriculture, forest plantations can positively contribute to biodiversity conservation. However, when monoculture stands of exotic trees, or native trees not typically found in single-species stands are used for plantations, they have been found to have impoverished flora and fauna compared with natural forest. Open access copy available |
Promoting Biodiversity Co-Benefits in REDDbackgroundThis article describes the potential for maximizing biodiversity conservation as a co-benefit of REDD (Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation). Open access copy available |
Large-scale Ecological Restoration of Degraded Tropical Forest Lands: The Potential Role of Timber PlantationsbackgroundThis study offers suggestions for how timber plantations can be designed to yield timber and improve biodiversity on cleared and degraded lands. Available with subscription or purchase |
Payments for Environmental Services in Latin America as a Tool for Restoration and Rural DevelopmentBackgroundOpen access copy available |
The Ecology and Ecosystem Services of Native Trees: Implications for Reforestation and Land Restoration in MesoamericabackgroundThis article summarizes papers presented at a conference on the state of tropical reforestation and restoration in Central America. Available with subscription or purchase |