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The Ecology and Ecosystem Services of Native Trees: Implications for Reforestation and Land Restoration in MesoamericabackgroundThis article summarizes papers presented at a conference on the state of tropical reforestation and restoration in Central America. Available with subscription or purchase |
Forest Management Practices in the Bayano Region of Panama: Cultural VariationsbackgroundThis paper examines differences in forest exploitation between indigenous groups and colonists along an agricultural frontier in Panama and focuses on differences in forest use, economic base, and management practices. Available with subscription or purchase |
Ecology of Tree Seed and Seedlings: Implications for Tropical Forest Conservation and RestorationbackgroundThis article reviews literature concerning germination and seedling growth pertinent to tropical forest conservation and restoration, examining the various processes and factors that seeds are exposed to. Open access copy available |
Rehabilitation and Restoration of Degraded ForestsbackgroundThis book offers a comprehensive overview of rehabilitation and restoration at the landscape and local levels, providing information on the factors which are known to impact succession, as well as different approaches to reforestation. The authors discuss the importance of including human well-being along with ecological well-being into any plan for rehabilitation or restoration. Open access copy available |
Institutional Issues and Political Challenges in Scaling Up Agroforestry: The Case of Landcare in the PhilippinesbackgroundThis paper presents the results of case studies of four municipalities in the Philippines participating in the Landcare agroforestry program which benefited from differing levels of institutional, technical, and government support. The paper assesses how effectively the Landcare program was able to scale up based on differing levels of support. Open access copy available |
Restoration of Degraded Tropical Forest LandscapesBackgroundOpen access copy available |
Catalyzing native forest regeneration on degraded tropical landsbackgroundForest clearing, forest degradation, and the deterioration of land productivity due to inappropriate management is a major problem in the tropics. While traditionally, restoration of forest lands abandoned from human use has relied on natural forest regeneration, this paper explores the potential of plantations to catalyze forest regeneration in the tropics. Open access copy available |
The Role of Animal Seed Dispersal in Accelerating Native Forest Regeneration on Degraded Tropical LandsbackgroundThis article reviews the role of seed-dispersal in forest regeneration. In natural forest, species with animal-dispersed species tend to predominated in both early and mid-stages of succession, while wind-dispersed species tend to be vines and canopy species. The implications of wind versus animal seed dispersal are briefly summarized. Available with subscription or purchase |
The Apparent Paradox of Reestablishing Species Richness on Degraded Lands with Tree MonoculturesbackgroundThis article discusses the use of tropical tree plantations as an approach to rehabilitation of degraded landscapes. For extremely degraded sites, the use of plantations may provide the proper shade, microclimate and protection for other species to colonize the understory. Research on the use of plantations in restoration is discussed, with examples primarily from Puerto Rico. Open access copy available |
Manual de Reforestación para América Tropical (Reforestation Manual for Tropical America)Este documento aporta una visión general de la reforestación a partir de muchas perspectivas diferentes. Open access copy available |
Bioecologia de Arboles Nativos y Exoticos de Puerto Rico and Las Indias Occidentales (Silvics of Native and Exotic Trees of Puerto Rico and the Caribbean Islands)EspañolSobreEsta base de datos fue publicada en Junio del 2000 por el USDA y el US Forest Service como recurso para la identificación y propagación de árboles nativos y exóticos de Puerto Rico y el Caribe. Open access copy available |
The Agroforestree DatabaseAboutThe Agroforestree (AFT) Database was created in 2009 by the World Forestry Centre and provides specifics and selection guides on both native and exotic agroforestry trees. Open access copy available |
Tree Atlas of Panama: Trees, Shrubs, and PalmsAboutThe Tree Atlas of Panama is a digital database established by the Center for Tropical Forest Science and the Smithsonian Tropical Resource Institute that aims to help with the identification of trees, shrubs, and palms of Panama. Open access copy available |
Sustaining Tropical Forest Resources: Reforestation of Degraded LandsbackgroundThis government report provides background material on tropical reforestation and discusses techniques to reforest degraded tropical lands. It considers species planting issues such as: native v. exotic species, monoculture v. polyculture, single purpose v. multipurpose trees, and genetic improvement and plant breeding. Open access copy available |
Seed Dispersal Distances and Plant Migration Potential in Tropical East AsiaBackgroundMost predictions of vegetation responses to anthropogenic climate change over the next century are based on plant physiological tolerances and do not account for the ability of plant species to migrate over the distances required in the time available, or the impact of habitat fragmentation on this ability. This review assesses the maximum routine dispersal distances achievable in tropical East Asia and their vulnerability to human impacts. Available with subscription or purchase |
Agroforestry for Ecosystem Services and Environmental Benefits: An OverviewbackgroundThis article reviews research on the ecosystem services and environmental benefits of agroforestry, focusing on the following: 1) carbon sequestration, 2) biodiversity conservation, 3) soil enrichment, and 4) air and water quality. Open access copy available |
Carbon sequestration in tropical agroforestry systemsBackgroundAgricultural lands are considered to be a major potential carbon sink, especially if trees are re-integrated with crops and/or animal agriculture. However, agroforestry systems are very diverse and are frequently used in small-scale settings, presenting challenges to carbon sequestration estimates. Available with subscription or purchase |
NParks Flora and Fauna Web, SingaporeAboutNParks Flora&FaunaWeb was developed to provide information on both flora and fauna of Singapore. Open access copy available |
PhytoImagesAboutHosted by the L. H. Bailey Hortorium at Cornell University and served from the University of Southern Illinois Carbondale, the Phytoimages is a crowdsource database for both flora and fauna. Open access copy available |
Ecological Interactions, Management Lessons and Design Tools in Tropical Agroforestry SystemsbackgroundThis article discusses efforts to model and predict the outcomes of competition between tree and crop species in agroforestry systems. It provides an overview of the positive and negative effects of intra- and inter-specific competition and describes narious methods for quantifying the net effects of tree-crop interactions. Available with subscription or purchase |