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Agroforestry Training Program: Taking Action, Reaching OutbackgroundOpen access copy available |
Guidance on Coffee Carbon Project Development Using the Simplified Agroforestry Methodology (Lineamientos Para el Diseño de Proyectos de Carbono en Cafetales Usando La Metodología Agroforestal Simplificada)EspañolAntecedentesOpen access copy available |
Coffee Agroforestry Systems in Central America: I. A Review of Quantitative Information on Physiological and Ecological ProcessesBackgroundOpen access copy available |
ITTO Guidelines for the Restoration, Management, and Rehabilitation of Degraded and Secondary Tropical ForestsbackgroundThis guide provides detailed information on the tools and concepts for rehabilitating and managing degraded forests and secondary forests. These lands have an often unrecognized ability and potential for providing valuable ecosystem services and provisioning timber, NTFPs, and other goods. Open access copy available |
Multifunctional Shade-Tree Management in Tropical Agroforestry Landscapes – A ReviewbackgroundThis article discusses the benefits of shade systems in the production of cacao and coffee crops, with a particular focus on the long-term cycle of cacao production. Open access copy available |
Arboles de Centroamerica: un Manual para Extensionistas (Trees of Central America: a Manual for Extentionists)EspañolAntecedentesLos agricultores de Centro América afrontan una compleja realidad que usualmente no es considerada en las iniciativas de manejo sostenible, lo que repercute en la falta de éxito de estas. En un esfuerzo por insertar las necesidades reales de los agricultores a estas actividades, este manual busca cubrir la brecha de información relacionada a especies arbóreas nativas de América Central. Available with subscription or purchase |
High Diversity Forest Restoration in Degraded Areas: Methods and Projects in BrazilbackgroundThis book addresses different approaches to the restoration of degraded, high diversity tropical and subtropical forests, including methods and empirical results. Available with subscription or purchase |
A Review of the Agroforestry Systems of Costa RicaBackgroundThis literature review provides a historical overview of agroforestry systems in Costa Rica from the 1970s to the present. Available with subscription or purchase |
Cultural Assessment of Reforestation Practices in Rural Eastern ParaguaybackgroundThis master's thesis examines reforestation projects in eastern Paraguay with the aim of improving the methods of agroforestry extensionists. It describes the geography and historical background of Paraguay, including information on economic and environmental problems. It then provides a detailed site description of the study community and reforestation programs in rural Paraguay generally. Open access copy available |
An Ethnographic Study of Tree-Planting Successes and Failures by Small Farmers in ParaguaybackgroundThis thesis outlines the characteristics of farmers that successfully implement forestry projects in eastern Paraguay. The work begins by providing background information on the geographical, political, and social aspects of Paraguay and the focal community, as well as a summary of the literature on agroforestry. Open access copy available |
Applied Nucleation as a Forest Restoration StrategybackgroundTo combat deforestation and restore forest cover quickly and efficiently, this article proposes the use of applied nucleation as a restoration strategy. The article reviews research to date on applied nucleation, which is a method for restoring degraded landscapes in which small clusters of shrubs and trees are planted to encourage natural forest regeneration. Open access copy available |
The Political Economy of Reforestation and Forest Restoration in Asia-Pacific: Critical Issues for REDD+backgroundThis study examines the political and economic factors that have commonly shaped reforestation and forest restoration initiatives in the greater Asia-Pacific region. Available with subscription or purchase |
Adaptación de los bosques tropicales al cambio climático: una oportunidad para la investigación interdisciplinaria (Adaptation of tropical forests to climate change: an opportunity for interdisciplinary research)EspañolAntecedentesEste estudio resume conceptos relacionados a la adaptación de bosques tropicales al cambio climático. Además, examina como el manejo forestal sustentable puede contribuir para este fin, y el rol de la investigación para generar información nueva. Open access copy available |
Secuestro de carbono a través de plantaciones de eucalipto en el trópico húmedo (Carbon sequestration through Eucalypt plantations in the humid tropics)Open access copy available |
Sistemas silvopastoriles como una herramienta para el mejoramiento de la productividad y restauración de la integridad ecológica de paisajes ganaderosEspañolAntecedentesOpen access copy available |
Restauração de áreas degradadas: a nucleação como base para incrementar os processos sucessionais (Restoration of degraded areas: nucleation as a base for augmenting successional processes)This article includes a general discussion of the rationale and theory behind nucleation as a way to facilitate forest restoration. The authors explain various nucleation techniques, including soil transfer, direct seeding and hydro-seeding, artificial poles, transfer of branches and organic matter, the planting of seedlings in islands of high diversity, and the collection of seeds for maintenance of genetic variability Open access copy available |
Impacto humano afeta negativamente a dispersão de sementes de frutos ornitocóricos: uma perspectiva global (Human impact affects negatively the seed dispersal in ornithochorous fruits: a global perspective)Open access copy available |
Tecnología para la reforestación en América Latina (Reforestation technology in Latin America)Open access copy available |
Modelos alométricos para la estimación de biomasa aérea de dos especies nativas en plantaciones forestales del trópico de Cochabamba, Bolivia (Allometric models for estimating aboveground biomass in Cochabamba, Bolivia)Open access copy available |
Contribución de los sistemas silvopastoriles a la restauración ecológica de paisajes ganaderos (Contribution of silvopastoral systems to ecological restoration of pastoral landscapes)Españolobjetivos y metodologíaEl estudio tiene por objetivo presentar una sinópsis sobre investigaciones ecológicas de los procesos de fragmentación y pérdida de hábitat en paisajes agropecuarios, incluyendo las estrategias empleadas para revertir este proceso. Open access copy available |