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Forest Transition Pathways in Asia – Studies from Nepal, India, Thailand, and CambodiabackgroundThis study draws on data from Nepal, India, Thailand, and Cambodia to examine trajectories of forest-cover change along gradients of deforestation and reforestation. Open access copy available |
Sobrevivencia del duraznillo (Prunus annularis) en plantación forestal y en sistemas agroforestales (Survival of Prunus annularis in agroforestry systems)Open access copy available |
Enriquecimiento de plantaciones forestales como herramienta para la rehabilitación de ambientes degradados en la region sur Ecuatoriana (Enrichment and rehabilitation of degraded environments in southern Ecuador)EspañolAntecedentesEl estudio analiza el potencial de adaptación de especies nativas a las condiciones de plantaciones de Pinus patula, en una plantación cerca de la Estación Científica San Francisco en la región sur del Ecuador. Open access copy available |
Managing afforestation and reforestation for carbon sequestration: considerations for land managers and policy makersBackgroundThis chapter focuses on managing afforestation & reforestation projects with an eye towards carbon sequestration. While temperate regions contain the majority of the world’s naturally regenerated and planted forests, the most rapid rates of reforestation occur in the tropics. Available with subscription or purchase |
Domesticación y fitoquímica de Quassia amara (Simaroubaceae) en el trópico húmedo de Costa Rica (Domestication of Quassia amara in Costa Rica)En el Jardín Agroecológico Bougainvillea, ubicado en la zona atlántica de Costa Rica, se desarrolla un proceso de domesticación de Quassia amara L., con la finalidad de contribuir a la disminución de la recolección de poblaciones de plantas naturales del bosque y de promover una mayor conservación del ambiente, mediante prácticas de cultivo apropiadas, basadas en un modelo agroecológico. Open access copy available |
Trade-offs between tree cover, carbon storage and floristic biodiversity in reforesting landscapesBackgroundAvailable with subscription or purchase |
Notas sobre el diseño de plantaciones de restauración (Notes about the design of plantains for restoration)EspañolAntecedentesLa restauración forestal es compleja, tanto en teoría como en práctica. La incógnita de los ecosistemas de referencia es una que muchos investigadores y profesionales se han planteado y pocos han podido descifrar. ¿Deberíamos restaurar los bosques a una condición prístina? ¿Qué deberíamos utilizar como sistema de referencia? Esto, entre otras consideraciones, se explora en las observaciones del autor sobre el proceso de diseño de las plantaciones de restauración. Open access copy available |
Manejo, uso y aprovechamiento de frutales nativos de la Amazonia Colombiana (Management and use of native fruit trees of the Colombian Amazon)Desde los mediados de la década de los 80’s, las especies frutales de la Cuenca Amazónica fueron identificadas como una alternativa productiva. Los autores presentan aspectos de la comercialización de especies frutales nativas de la Amazonia Colombiana, en el contexto mundial del mercado de productos exóticos (frescos y procesados) que ha crecido continuamente. Open access copy available |
Experiences of a research institute in forest restoration practices in NigeriaBackgroundThis paper reports on the activities championed by the Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria within its mandates particularly in the area of forest conservation and management in six ecological zones of the country to recuperate the nations’ ecological integrity. Open access copy available |
Ecología forestal de algunas especies arbóreas de interés para la reforestación y restauración del Parque Ecológico Tuzandepetl (Forest ecology of tree species of interest for reforestation of Parque Ecológico Tuzandepetl)EspañolAntecedentesOpen access copy available |
Las políticas públicas en la restauración ambiental en México: limitantes, avances, rezagos y retos (Public policy in environmental restoration in Mexico: limitations, progress, problems and challenges facing)EspañolAntecedentesOpen access copy available |
Los hongos micorrízicos arbusculares y su implicación en la producción y manejo de especies neotropicales forestales, con énfasis en meliáceas (Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and its use in the production and management of neotropical forest)EspañolAntecedentesOpen access copy available |
Forest Landscape Restoration: Initiatives in EthiopiaBackgroundEthiopia has experienced significant forest loss and degradation, which has raised concern over the deterioration of ecosystem services and access to forest resources. In response to these trends, WWF and IUCN have pioneered the Forest for Life strategy, which employs a range of initiatives to combat forest degradation. This report focuses on one of those initiative, Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR) in Ethiopia. Open access copy available |
Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD) Projects: Lessons for Future Policy Design and ImplementationBackgroundThis study reviews six representative Reducing Emissions through Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD) initiatives, two each from Africa, Asia and Latin America, by presenting their strengths, weakensses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT). Open access copy available |
Ecosystem services from forest restoration: thinking aheadBackgroundThis paper examines broad trends in our understanding of ecosystem services and how different restoration strategies can be based on distinct motives (biodiversity preservation, bioenergy production, or carbon sequestration) and may rely on diverse tools. Available with subscription or purchase |
Smallholder plantations in the tropics – local people between outgrower schemes and reforestation programmesBackgroundOpen access copy available |
Opportunities and Challenges for Ecological Restoration within REDD+backgroundThis article discusses the possibilities for the inclusion of restoration as part of REDD+ (Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation) as well as benefits for biodiversity and income for communities. Open access copy available |
Approaches to Classifying and Restoring Degraded Tropical Forests for the Anticipated REDD+ Climate Change Mitigation MechanismbackgroundOpen access copy available |
Timber Investment Returns for Selected Plantations and Native Forests in South America and the Southern United StatesbackgroundThis study examines the value of timber investments in South America. Exotic Eucalyptus in the southern cone (Argentina + Chile) are the most profitable, with Internal Rate of Return of 13-23%, followed by exotic loblolly pine (Pinus taeda), whereas investments in the southeast USA is less profitable. Available with subscription or purchase |
InVEST: A Tool for Integrating Ecosystem Services into Policy and Decision-MakingbackgroundThis document explains the InVEST tool, an ecosystem service model (via a software program) used to geographically map the provision of ecosystem services and how they can be affected by development and policies. The model, designed by the Natural Capital Project (collaboration of WWF, TNC, the University of Minnesota, and Stanford University), is intended for planners to maximize the benefit from activities such as reforestation. Open access copy available |