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A regeneração natural como um serviço do ecossistema: uma proposta metodológica para o seu cálculo (Natural regeneration as an ecosystem service: a methodological proposal for its calculation)backgroundThis study begins by stating that the economic quantification of ecosystem services is a crucial step towards their sustainable use. Open access copy available |
Manual de recuperação de matas ciliares para produtores rurais (Manual of riparian forests recovery for rural producers)This technical manual targets farmers and “all those that perceive that the life of people is connected to the life of the forests, the animals, the earth and the rivers”. The guide contemplates many themes related to recovery of degraded areas, such as: the importance of riparian forests and other types of natural vegetation, technical aspects of the development and implementation of forest restoration activities, and useful tips for the implantation and maintenance of planted riparian areas. Open access copy available |
Normas jurídicas para restauração ecológica: uma barreira a mais a dificultar o êxito das iniciativas? (Juridical norms to ecological restoration: one more barrier to encumber success of initiatives?)Open access copy available |
Faustian Bargains? Restoration Realities in the Context of Biodiversity Offset PoliciesbackgroundThis article presents an analysis of the effectiveness of forest restoration as a mechanism to offset biodiversity loss. Available with subscription or purchase |
Restoration of ecosystem services and biodiversity: conflicts and opportunitiesBackgroundAlthough the science and practice of ecological restoration have developed rapidly, the emerging policy focus on ecosystem services represents a significant shift in the objectives of restoration. This might result in both conflicts and opportunities. This review article explores in detail the implications of this policy shift by examining whether ecological restoration could be effective in reversing the decline of ecosystem services along with biodiversity. Open access copy available |
Restauração florestal: do diagnóstico de degradação ao uso de indicadores ecológicos para o monitoramento das ações (Forest restoration: from the diagnostics of degradation to the use of ecological indicators in the monitoring of actions)Open access copy available |
Ecological restoration, rehabilitation and recuperation- national plan for ecosystem restoration (Colombia: Restauración ecológica, rehabilitación y recuperación- plan nacional de restauración de ecosistemas)EnglishbackgroundIn recent years, restoration efforts in Colombia have focused mostly on the control of invasive plants such as Ulex europaeus and the restoration of riparian forests. Nevertheless, to tackle biodiversity loss and forest disturbance and attaining the restoration of affected ecosystems, a more integral strategy is required. Open access copy available |
Tropical Reforestation in the Asia-Pacific RegionbackgroundThis chapter reviews the meaning and implementation of landscape scale restoration in the Asia-Pacific region. The authors define landscape as a spatial mosaic with differing land use patterns across a gradient, usually involving natural and human-intervened areas which changes through time. Available with subscription or purchase |
Special Report of Captain George P. Ahern, Ninth U.S. Infantry, in Charge of Forestry Bureau, Philippine Islands, Covering the Period from April, 1900, to July 30,1901backgroundOpen access copy available |
The Forest Manual Containing the Forest Act (No. 1148): extracts from other laws of Philippine Commission relating to the Forest Service, and the forest regulations prepared in accordance with provisions of the Forest ActBackgroundThis document contains the text of the Philppine Forest Act, which regulates the use of public forests and reserves. It includes descriptions of historical regulations, licenses, taxes, harvest limits, violations, and prohibition of caiñgin (swidden plots). It also includes extracts of other relevant laws. Open access copy available |
A Preliminary Working Plan for the Public Forest Tract of the Mindoro Lumber and Logging Company, Bongabon, Mindoro, Philippine IslandsSummaryThis is a Bureau of Forestry management plan for a 20-year concession held by the Mindoro Lumber and Logging Company. The document provides site description, descriptions of different forest types, stand types, and tree species, yield tables for different forest types, brief financial analysis, and description of minor forest products. (wood properties, growth habit, etc) Available with subscription or purchase |
Annual report of the director of forestry of the Philippine Islands for the period 1907-1913backgroundThis report contains a number of sections relevant to early reforestation activities in the Philippines, including research on succession pathways, restoration experiments on degraded lands, tree nursery operations, and native species. Open access copy available |
Philippine Dipterocarp Forests
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Annual report of the director of forestry of the Philippine Islands for the period 1915-1924backgroundThis report contains a number of sections relevant to early reforestation activities in the Philippines, including research on succession pathways, restoration experiments on degraded lands, tree nursery operations, and native species. Open access copy available |
Philippine Resins, Gums, Seed Oils, and Essential OilsbackgroundThis bulletin is a compendium of plant species containing exudate or oils that might be commercially exploited. The book also describes the difficulty posed by high species-diversity for economically feasible resin/oil extraction. Open access copy available |
Reforestation in the Philippines, Proceedings from the Fourth Pacific Science Congress, Java
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Marco regulatório sobre pagamento por serviços ambientais no Brasil (Regulatory framework of payment for ecosystem services in Brazil)Open access copy available |
Restauração e monitoramento da mata ciliar e da reserva legal para a certificação agrícola: conservação da biodiversidade na cafeitura (Restoration e monitoring of riparian forests and legal reserve for agricultural certification)Open access copy available |
Hydrological Functions of Tropical Forests: Not Seeing the Soil for the trees?backgroundThis literature review provides a summary of hydrological functions in tropical forests and includes differences in the hydrology of disturbed areas, secondary forests, and mature forests. Available with subscription or purchase |
Taungya in the PhilippinesbackgroundThis book chapter provides a description of the ecological effects of deforestation in the Philippines and a history of the failed social forestry programs that began in the 1970s. Open access copy available |