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Domesticación de recursos naturales nativos en condiciones agroecológicas en el trópico húmedo en el Caribe de Costa Rica (Domestication of native resources in agro-ecological conditions in the humid tropics in Costa Rica)



Bougainvillea S. A. es una iniciativa privada que implementa acciones de domesticación e investigación de plantas medicinales y aromáticas nativas en colaboración con organizaciones académicas y de investigación de Costa Rica y Estados Unidos.

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Directrices de restauración ecológica en cuencas hidrográficas andinas: “Plan de manejo ambiental de la cuenca hidrográfica La Floresta – La Novita” (Guidelines for ecological restoration in Andean watersheds)



El estudio forma parte del proyecto que tiene por objetivo la realización de un Plan de Manejo Ambiental de la Cuenca Hidrográfica La Floresta – La Novita para prevenir y controlar el proceso erosivo actual y recuperar el equilibrio ecológico de los ecosistemas nativos.

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Experiences of a research institute in forest restoration practices in Nigeria


This paper reports on the activities championed by the Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria within its mandates particularly in the area of forest conservation and management in six ecological zones of the country to recuperate the nations’ ecological integrity.

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Memorias del I Congreso Colombiano de Restauración Ecológica


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Between Cash and Usufruct Rights: In Search of an Appropriate Policy Instrument for Sustained Local People's Participation


This study examines a reforestation program that was launched in the Philippines funded by the Asian Development Bank in 1988. Contract restoration and incentive mechanisms were introduced to include the participation of civic and local community groups in reforestation. 

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Strategies for Landscape-Scale Restoration in the Tropics


This publication summarizes the proceedings from the 2012 Conference of the International Society of Tropical Foresters, Yale Student Chapter, which took place on January 26-28,2012 at Yale University in New Haven, CT.

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Ecological Restoration and Sustainable Agricultural Landscapes


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Strategies and innovations for capacity building on ecological restoration


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Ecosystem Services Approach to Landscape Restoration and Sustainable Livelihoods


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Restoring Working Forests in Human-Dominated Landscapes of the Wet Evergreen Forest Region of South Asia


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Industrial Resource Extraction and Infrastructure Development in Tropical Forests


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Experiences with capacity building for ecological restoration in Latin America


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Mainstreaming Native Species-Based Forest Restoration


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Biofuels: The Impact of Oil Palm on Forests and Climate


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Restoring Forests For Communities, Biodiversity, and Ecosystem Services


This publication summarizes the proceedings of a 2011 conference held in Bogor, Indonesia titled "Restoring Forests For Communities, Biodiversity, and Ecosystem Services". The aim of the conference was to provide a space in which forest restoration approaches used in Indonesia and elsewhere in Southeast Asia were shared and discussed. The report includes summaries of the opening and closing remarks along with the conference's seven presentations. 

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Mountains and Climate Change: A Global Concern


Mountains play a significant role as global biodiversity hotspots and sources of fresh water.  However, climate change implications may have negative effects on the services they provide such as water availability, irrigation, urbanization, industrialization, and hydropower generation. Negative climate change impacts may also expose the mountains to more intense and frequent hazards.

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Nursery and Establishment Techniques as Factors in Productivity of Man-made Forests in Southern Africa


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Site Relationships for Some Wood Properties of Pine Species in Plantation Forests of Southern Africa


There are three main pine species that are planted in Southern African plantations. Genetic variation and its relationship with wood properties of pine wood has been extensively studied, however little is known about the influence of site on wood properties.

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Green economy, oil palm development, and the exclusion of Indigenous swidden cultivators in the Philippines


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Beyond Tenure: Rights-based Approaches to Peoples and Forests


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