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Perceptions of Biodiversity, Environmental Services, and Conservation of Planted Mangroves: A Case Study on Nijhum Dwip Island, Bangladesh


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Human Ecological Questions for Tropical Restoration: Experiences from Planting Native Upland Trees and Mangroves in the Philippines


This article evaluates the human ecology of reforestation in the Philippines under the Bais Bay Development Action Program. Reforestation is considered in upland riparian as well as coastal mangrove areas.

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Mangrove reforestation in Vietnam: the effect of sediment physicochemical properties on nutrient cycling


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Community Based Ecological Mangrove Rehabilitation (CBEMR) in Indonesia


While large-scale wetland/mangrove restoration projects have been successful worldwide efforts in Indonesia have largely failed. This is due to technical issues but also tenure issues. Considering pass projects and attempts, Ecological Mangrove Rehabilitation (EMR) has been identified as a potential best practice for Indonesia.  

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A Unified Framework for the Restoration of Southeast Asian Mangroves: Bridging Ecology, Society and Economics


Tropical mangroves are some of the most dynamic and productive tropical ecosystems, but also most threatened. Mangrove restoration efforts are underway to restore the structure, function, and ecosystem services of mangroves, but often these projects fail.

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Seedling survivorship, growth, and response to disturbance in Belizean mangal


Species zonation patterns across tidal gradients in mangrove forests are formed by successful seedling establishment and maintained by replacement of adults by conspecific seedlings. These two processes have rarely been examined experimentally in neotropical mangrove. This study examines survivorship and growth of seedlings of Rhizopora mangle and Avicennia germinans across a tidal gradient in Belize.

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Conceptual Framework for Mangrove Restoration in the Yucatán Peninsula


In the Yucatán Peninsula, mangroves were lost at a rate of around 1.84% per year between 1976 and 2000. In 2000, the North American Wetlands Conservation Council gave the state government of Yucatán $800,000 towards mangrove restoration projects. Some research shows that the projects funded by this grant did not fully meet restoration goals.

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Reforestation of Mangroves after Severe Impacts of Herbicides during the the Viet Nam War: The Case of Can Gio


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Are Mangroves Worth Replanting? The Direct Economic Benefits of a Community-Based Reforestation Project


This study examines the socioeconomic impacts of a community-led reforestation project in the Philippines through a survey of the local fishers over 10 years after replanting. The wider objective of the study was to obtain greater data on the local economic value of mangroves and present it as a comparison to other land uses such as development and aquaculture.

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Influence of species richness and environmental context on early survival of replanted mangroves at Gazi bay, Kenya


Mangrove restoration is often unsuccessful, thus this study involves long-term large-scale experiments measuring a range of ecosystem functions in replanted mangrove stands in Ghazi in Kenya funded by Earthwatch.

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Ecological Engineering for Successful Management and Restoration of Mangrove Forests


This article takes a look at the reasons why many mangrove restoration projects fail, and provides key recommendations for improving the success rate of mangrove restoration projects.

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Important Considerations to Achieve Successful Mangrove Forest Restoration with Optimum Fish Habitat


This article discusses how fish and mangrove ecosystems in Florida, USA, are coupled in time and space, offers several strategies for mangrove restoration with the goal to improve fish habitat, and provides a simple sequential checklist of design tasks.

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REDD+ Readiness Implications for Sri Lanka in Terms of Reducing Deforestation


This study constructs a historical reference level of emissions from deforestation in Sri Lanka using available forest inventory data and in situ carbon density data. It also attempts to identify drivers of deforestation in Sri Lanka and to estimate the opportunity cost and possible climate benefits of forest conservation.

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A review of the floral composition and distribution of mangroves in Sri Lanka


The article reviews literature on the numbers and distributions of Sri Lankan mangrove species and highlights the causes of overestimation. It also attempts to provide an accurate count based on standardized fieldwork over a 4-year period along the coast between Palatupana and Puttalam, Sri Lanka. The authors name some examples of mischaracterized or misidentified species from previous studies and address the importance of clearly defining the terms for mangroves.

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Human Hydrographical Changes Interact with Propagule Predation Behaviour in Sri Lankan Mangrove Forests


This article describes the relation between propagule predators and vegetation structure and environmental factors on a forest path. It also considers how human influence affects these interactions.

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Regeneration Status of Mangrove Forests in Mida Creek, Kenya: A Compromised or Secured Future?


This study investigates natural regeneration and timber potential of the mangrove forests of Mida Creek for better management through the principle of sustained yields.

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Mangrove restoration without planting


Mangrove planting is the most common method of restoring mangrove forests. However, this approach is not often successful, especially when the causes of mangrove degradation were not removed prior to planting new seedlings or propagules. A successful mangrove restoration project may not necessarily include a planting phase. When the stressors are removed and suitable environmental conditions are present, natural regeneration processes could recover mangroves from degradation.

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Collaborative Efforts On Mangrove Restoration In Sedari Village, Karawang District, West Java Province


Many communities are undertaking mangrove restoration projects to try to return some of the ecosystem services provided by mangrove forests, with mixed success.

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Mangrove reforestation: greening or grabbing coastal zones and deltas? Case studies in Senegal.


Mangroves have lost 20% of their global extent over the last 20 years. Mangrove reforestation incentives are increasingly widespread as a response to restore this vital ecosystem. However, the social and ecological impacts of common mangrove plantation methods are not adequately understood.

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The role of ecological theory and practice in poverty alleviation and environmental conservation


This review emphasized the roles and tools of ecologists that would be helpful in poverty alleviation internationally.  Specifically, knowledge of sustainable sources of energy, provision of clean water, functional traits of vegetation, and design of agro-forestry systems were cited as examples of knowledge that would be helpful for cross-disciplinary strategies.

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