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Normas jurídicas para restauração ecológica: uma barreira a mais a dificultar o êxito das iniciativas? (Juridical norms to ecological restoration: one more barrier to encumber success of initiatives?)Open access copy available |
Restauração florestal: do diagnóstico de degradação ao uso de indicadores ecológicos para o monitoramento das ações (Forest restoration: from the diagnostics of degradation to the use of ecological indicators in the monitoring of actions)Open access copy available |
Indigenous Community-Based Forestry in the Bolivian Lowlands: Some Basic Challenges for CertificationbackgroundOpen access copy available |
Soil macrofauna and litter nutrients in three tropical tree plantations on a disturbed site in Puerto RicoBackgroundOpen access copy available |
Tree species effects on soil properties in experimental plantations in tropical moist forestBackgroundForest soil properties are influenced by the complex interactions of vegetation, soil type, geology, management, and climactic patterns. Tree species can differ in their long-term effects on soils. This study resamples one of the earliest replicated experimental sites at La Selva Biological Station, Costa Rica, used to examine the effects of native tropical tree species on soil properties, to examine longer term effects on soil properties. Open access copy available |
Payments for Environmental Services through the Local Lens: Preliminary evidences from the “Bolsa Floresta” Program in the Brazilian AmazonBackgroundOpen access copy available |
Soil carbon differences among forest, agriculture, and secondary vegetation in lower montane EcuadorBackgroundChanges in land use and land cover may affect soil properties and processes. Conversion of forest to cultivation is assumed to result in a decrease in soil nutrients. In the lower montane region of Ecuador, shifting cultivation patterns mean that forest clearing is occurring simultaneously with recolonization of secondary vegetation on abandoned agricultural lands. Open access copy available |
Sobrevivência em viveiro de mudas de espécies nativas retiradas da regeneração natural de remanescente florestal (Survival in nursery of native species sapling obtained from natural regeneration of forest fragments)Open access copy available |
Marco regulatório sobre pagamento por serviços ambientais no Brasil (Regulatory framework of payment for ecosystem services in Brazil)Open access copy available |
Estimativas de biomassa e carbono e indicadores para restauração de florestas secundárias em Paragominas, Pará (Biomass and carbon estimates and indicators for the restoration of secondary forests in Paragominas, Para)Open access copy available |
Restauração e monitoramento da mata ciliar e da reserva legal para a certificação agrícola: conservação da biodiversidade na cafeitura (Restoration e monitoring of riparian forests and legal reserve for agricultural certification)Open access copy available |
Recuperación estructural en bosques sucesionales andinos de Porce, Antioquia, Colombia (Structural recuperation in secondary successional Andean forests in Porce, Antioquia, Colombia)EspañolAntecedentesDurante décadas los bosques de la región de Porce (Antioquia, Colombia) han sido talados y quemados para establecer fincas ganaderas y, en menor proporción, agricultura. Este tipo de prácticas pudieron ser decisivas para el proceso sucesional del sitio, ya que la degradación producida en el suelo pudo afectar las características estructurales de la vegetación secundaria establecida. Open access copy available |
Modelling the Effect of Forest Cover on Shallow Landslides at the River Basin ScalebackgroundThis study analyzes soil models that can be used to help predict soil erosion which are useful to prioritize reforestation areas of watersheds. Open access copy available |
Rehabilitación de areas degradadas en la Amazonia peruana: Revisión de experiencias y lecciones aprendidas (Rehabilitation of degraded areas in the Peruvian Amazon: Revision of experiences and lessons learned)EspañolAntecedentesOpen access copy available |
Participatory Domestication of Agroforestry Trees: An Example from the Peruvian AmazonbackgroundThis paper describes a program through the International Centre for Research in Agroforestry (ICRAF) to work with farming communities to domesticate native tree species for use in agroforestry and the conservation of tree diversity in their forests. Open access copy available |
Paying for Biodiversity Conservation Services in Agricultural LandscapesbackgroundThis document describes the genesis for the World Bank GEF project from 2002-2007 to implement payments for ecosystem services for silvo-pastoral systems in Colombia, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica. The payments were designed to compensate for biodiversity services: international donor money would be exchanged for the international environmental service of biodiversity. Open access copy available |
Cost-Effectiveness of Dryland Forest Restoration Evaluated by Spatial Analysis of Ecosystem ServicesbackgroundThis study evaluates the cost-effectiveness of dryland forest restoration through a comparative analysis of four study areas in Latin America. Open access copy available |
Estrategias para la restauración ecológica del bosque altoandino. El caso de la reserva municipal de Cogua. (Strategies for the ecological restoration of the high Andean forest - the case of the municipal reserve of Cogua)Entre los años 2002-2006 se realizó una restauración de potreros degradados en la reserva forestal municipal de Cogua (departamento de Cundinamarca - páramo alto - 2900-3630 m). Se hizo la restauración con 1) remoción de Chusquea scandens; 2) creación de perchas artificiales para aves (para facilitar lluvia de semillas); 3) siembras de especies selectivas Se notó invasión de Ulex europaeus y la herbivoría por Cavia porcellus (curí) como barreras para la restauración. Aún no se ha realizado una evaluación cuantitativa. Open access copy available |
Restoration of Tropical Moist Forests on Bauxite‐Mined Lands in the Brazilian AmazonBackgroundOpen access copy available |
Semeando Sustentabilidade em Apuí (Seedling Sustainability in Apuí)The project aims to strengthen environmental management in Apuí, and to increase capacity for the development of more sustainable productive activities. To achieve this goal the project works simultaneously on reinforcing the network of seeds and seedling production, strengthening institutions, supporting planting and forest conservation, building capacity of landholders in rural properties, and providing environmental education and assistance for the creation of a development plan for the municipality. Open access copy available |