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Disrupted montane forest recovery hinders biodiversity conservation in the tropical Andes


In the U.N. Decade on Restoration, recovering degraded forests is a high priority. Andean montane forests are a biodiversity hotspot, storing large quantities of carbon, and providing many sources for human livelihood. Many parts of the Andean forests are recovering after agriculture abandonment, but it is not yet known how the dynamics of these recovery processes progress over time. Knowledge of forest regeneration trajectory is crucial for further restoration planning.

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The Embedded Agroecology of Coffee Agroforestry: A Contextualized Review of Smallholder Farmers’ Adoption and Resistance


Agroforestry crops are known to provide many benefits to both people and nature. Implementing agroforestry practices can be complex and requires improvement in certain regions and practices. Coffee agroforestry is not widely adopted and there is a lack of knowledge about the implementation of agroforestry techniques for coffee production.

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Shaded-Coffee: A Nature-Based Strategy for Coffee Production Under Climate Change? A Review


Coffee agroforestry systems are a natural climate solution that are used to reduce the impact of coffee cultivation on ecosystem health. Coffee generates over $200 billion in income globally each year, so ensuring the efficiency and success of cultivation is crucial for human livelihood. Coffee agroforestry systems are often variable, and there lacks a compiled knowledge base about these systems and practices.

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Soil Biological Activity, Carbon and Nitrogen Dynamics in Modified Coffee Agroforestry Systems in Mexico


Coffee agroforestry systems bring a plethora of economic, social, and ecological benefits. Specifically, they aid soil biological activity. In Mexico, due to cost and production challenges, coffee is being replaced by avocado plantations. The impact of coffee agroforestry systems on specific soil biological characteristics and processes is not fully understood. Nor are the impacts of avocado plantations on soil biological activity.

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Tree diversity in a tropical agricultural‑forest mosaic landscape in Honduras


Tropical forests hold high biodiversity values, but are also valued for agricultural land uses. Particularly in Central America, a region with particularly high biodiversity, intensive land management practices have reduced and continue to reduce forest and species abundance. There is a push to change land use practices in order to restore and promote biodiversity, though the potential for biodiversity on agricultural landscapes is an understudied subject.

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Optimal restoration for pollination services increases forest cover while doubling agricultural profits


In the midst of a global biodiversity crisis and a rapidly expanding food demand, improving agricultural techniques is a high priority. Pollinators are at the forefront of this restoration goal partially due to their rapid decline in population, and also their crucial role in food production. 75% of globally common food depends on pollinators. Though improving agriculture is important, it is also expensive and risky for land owners. A framework is needed to determine best arrangements and practices for sustainable agriculture.

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Aboveground carbon responses to experimental and natural hurricane impacts in a subtropical wet forest in Puerto Rico


Carbon sequestration is a major climate mitigating process. Tropical forests in particular sequester high amounts of carbon, however disturbance events such as storms can alter the ability of forests to sequester more carbon. Hurricanes create forest gaps and increase ground debris which both provide resources that may promote plant recruitment and growth.

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Patterns and controls on island-wide aboveground biomass accumulation in second-growth forests of Puerto Rico


Secondary or second-growth forests after land abandonment are a valuable contribution to global carbon sinks. Approximately 70% of the world’s tropical forests are secondary growth, so understanding the carbon sequestration rates on a large scale is important. Sequestration rates are controlled by both abiotic and biotic factors in each region.

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Maximizing biodiversity conservation and carbon stocking inrestored tropical forests


Ecological restoration plays a critical role in fragmented mega-diverse regions, particularly for endangered species with low dispersal rates. Species with impoverished populations, limited dispersal capacity, and important functionsas food resources for animals should be prioritized for active reintroduction in order to increase the conservation value ofrestored forests. However, seedlings from these species are often hard to find or too costly to include in many restoration projects.

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Large carbon sink potential of secondary forests in the Brazilian Amazon to mitigate climate change


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Producción de plantones forestales de especies nativas

La produccion de plantones forestales es parte escencial de la silvicultura. Esta actividad requiere conocimientos previos para simular las condiciones naturales en viveros y optimizar asi el proceso de crecimiento de la planta hasta que alcance el tamaño óptimo para su trasplante a campo.

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Descripción de cuatro especies maderables de bosques del distrito Molinopampa, Amazonas - Perú para producción en viveros forestales

La determinación correcta de las características botánicas de las especies maderables es escencial antes de inicial cualquier proceso de instalación de plantaciones forestales. Este reporte se enfoca en cuatro especies maderables: Alnus acuminata, Cedrela odorata, Gordonia fruticosa y Solanum pseudosycophant debido a su importancia económica y las múltiples posibilidades de utilización por parte de los reforestadores industriales y campesinos.

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Propagación vegetativa de bambú nativo en la Amazonía Peruana

Los bambúes pertenecen a una de las 12 subfamilias de la familia Poaceae. En el Perú, tres especies, presentan potencial de uso: Guadua lynnclarkiae Londoño; Guadua weberbaueri Pilg; y Guadua superba Huber. Todas ellas encuentran su habitat en la zona andina y amazonica del Peru: entre los departamentos de San Martín, Amazonas, Cusco, Huánuco, Junín, Loreto, Madre de Dios, Pasco y Ucayali. No obstante, existen aun vacios de informacion acerca de sus formas de multiplicación,

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Publicaciones del Centro de Innovación Científica Amazónica (Peru)

El Centro de Innovación Científica Amazónica (CINCIA) genera conocimiento científico e integra este conocimiento para elaborar iniciativas de gestión ambiental para promover el desarrollo sostenible y, cuando sea necesario, la restauración y la reforestación en la Amazonia peruana. 


The Center for Amazonian Scientific Innovation (CINCIA) generates scientific knowledge and integrates this knowledge to craft environmental management initiatives to promote sustainable development and, where needed, restoration and reforestation in the Peruvian Amazon. 

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Recuperación de la salud del suelo para la restauración de áreas degradadas por la minería aurífera aluvial en la Amazonía peruana

La extracción de oro en los ríos de la Amazonía peruana ha provocado la aparición de áreas degradadas caracterizadas por la deforestación, baja fertilidad, contaminacion con mercurio, escasa vida microbiana y ausencia de flora y fauna.  Este documento resume el proceso de recuperacion del suelo liderado por el IIAP, que busca restaurar la salud de los suelos utilizando leguminosas, promoviendo la reactivación ecosistémica y productiva de los bosques.

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Técnicas de cosecha y manejo postcosecha de frutos de aguaje

La depredación Indiscriminada de la que vienen siendo objeto las plantaciones naturales de aguaje, por las prácticas de extracción (tumbado de palmeras) que se utilizan para cosechar los frutos, está trayendo como consecuencia la disminución de la población femenina de esta especie y probablemente, la de algunos ecotipos o variedades. Estas practicas atentan contra la regeneración natural de la especie y hoy en dia es cada vez mas dificil encontrar estas plantaciones cerca de los centros poblados.

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Manual práctico: biofertilización y bioprotección de cafe (Coffea arabica) con aplicación de hongos micorrízicos arbusculares

El desarrollo de tecnología sobre la biofertilización en plantas clonales micorrizadas de café podría constituir un sistema más eficiente para el incremento de los rendimientos por hectárea, control de plagas y enfermedades.  Este sistema emplea tecnologías limpias para el medio ambiente, mejorando la fertilidad de los suelos, buscando reducir los costos de producción y mejorar los niveles productivos de las fincas cafetaleras.

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Restoring Caribbean Dry Forests: Evaluation of Tree Propagation Techniques


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Beyond Tenure: Rights-based Approaches to Peoples and Forests


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Environmental Rights are a Human Right to a Healthy Environment: A Brief Review


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