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Between and Within-Site Comparisons of Structural and Physiological Characteristics and Foliar Nutrient Content of 14 Tree Species at a Wet, Fertile Site and a Dry, Infertile Site in Panama


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Impacts of Herbicide Application and Mechanical Cleanings on Growth and Mortality of Two Timber Species in Saccharum spontaneum Grasslands of the Panama Canal Watershed


This study evaluates the effectiveness of weed control treatments (herbicide application and mechanical cleanings) in promoting the growth and survival of the exotic tree species Tectona grandis and the native tree species Terminalia amazonia.

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Growth of native forest species planted on abandoned pasture land in Costa Rica


Reforestation programs in Costa Rica have largely utilized only four tree species. This study tests growth rates and form of eleven additional tree species native to the humid tropics, including five N-fixing species and six non-N-fixing species.

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Native Species: A Resource for the Diversification of Forestry Production in the Lowland Humid Tropics


This research evaluates the success of native species for reforestation plantings in Costa Rica in comparison with exotic species.

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Restoration of Pasture to Forest in Brazil's Mata Atlântica: The Roles of Herbivory, Seedling Defenses, and Plot Design in Reforestation


In this study, seedling growth and herbivory were monitored during the first 4 years of plot development in a large-scale reforestation experiment in Brazil’s Atlantic Rainforest (Mata Atlantica).

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Effects of Above- and Below-Ground Competition of Shrubs and Grass on Calophyllum brasiliense (Camb.) Seedling Growth in Abandoned Tropical Pasture


This article evaluates the above and below-ground competition between grasses, shrubs, and woody seedlings in abandoned pastures in montane Costa Rica.

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The Effect of Rabbit Herbivory on Reforestation of Abandoned Pasture in Southern Costa Rica


This study considers how mammalian seedling herbivory may limit forest seedling growth abandonded pasture in southern Costa Rica.

Research Goals & Methods

Trees were planted in open pasture and under remnant pasture trees of Inga edulis and Inga punctata.

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Canopy development in tropical tree plantations: a comparison of species mixtures and monocultures


The establishment of plantation monocultures has dominated much of the intensive forest management practiced in the humid tropics of the Americas, with most forestry research and practice concentrating on a small number of non-indigenous species. Growing interest exists in modifying these practices both by creating mixed-species plantations and by making greater use of native tree species.

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Experimental Tree Assemblages on the Ecological Rehabilitation of a Cloud Forest in Veracruz, Mexico


This research evaluates the survival of 10 native tree species planted in a heavily degraded montane forest in Veracruz, Mexico.

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Restoration of a Restinga Sandy Coastal Plain in Brazil: Survival and Growth of Planted Woody Species


Restingas – coastal sandy vegetation – have been affected by human impact for about 8,000 years. Human use of these sites for housing, tourism, and recreation has recently increased in such a way that there is a need for conservation of remnant patches and restoration of degraded areas throughout the coast to protect biodiversity. This study reports the results of an experiment introducing 17 native shrub and tree species into a degraded Brazilian restinga.

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Is Tree Diversity an Important Driver for Phosphorus and Nitrogen Acquisition of a Young Tropical Plantation?


This article presents the effect of native species diversity on the nitrogen and phosphorous pools above-ground in a plantation in the Canal Zone of Panama.

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Reforestation of Abandoned Pastures: Silvicultural Means to Accelerate Forest Recovery and Biodiversity


Despite the 2736 native tree species in Ecuador, the majority of forestation activities in the country are based on exotic pines and eucalypts. In this book chapter, the authors describe the reason for this neglect being the lack of knowledge on the ecology and silvicultural treatment and the lack of nurseries growing these species.

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Initial Performance and Reforestation Potential of 24 Tropical Tree Species Planted Across a Precipitation Gradient in the Republic of Panama


The authors of this study  planted trees from 22 native species and two exotic species to use in selection trials testing the growth and survivability of trees in plantations in three different sites.

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Institutional Dimensions of Payments for Ecosystem Services: An Analysis of Mexico's carbon Forestry Programme


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Decentralized Payments for Environmental Services: The cases of Pimampiro and PROFAFOR in Ecuador


This article describes two payment for environmental services (PES) programs in Ecuador which, unlike programs run in other countries, are run by decentralized organizations: Pimampiro municipal watershed-protection scheme and PROFAFOR carbon-sequestration programme.

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Paying for Environmental Services: An Analysis of Participation in Costa Rica's PSA Program


This study evaluates demographic and other factors that played a role in the participation of households in Costa Rica's Payment for Environmental Services program.

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Factors Limiting Tropical Rain Forest Regeneration in Abandoned Pasture: Seed Rain, Seed Germination, Microclimate, and Soil


This research evaluates the ability of seeds to be dispersed into and germinate in areas of abandoned pasture.

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Tropical Forest Restoration: Tree Islands As Recruitment Foci In Degraded Lands Of Honduras


Methods to accelerate forest recovery must address a number of impediments including limits on seed dispersal and microclimactic extremes. This study evaluates the ability of tree islands to serve as recruitment foci for additional seeds in a two-year study in northern Honduras.

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Effects of Artificial Roosts for Frugivorous Bats on Seed Dispersal in a Neotropical Forest Pasture Mosaic


This article evaluates whether the installation of bat roosts into abandoned pasture sites can attract frigivorous bats into pasture areas and encourage seed rain of early-successional plant species.

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Postdispersal Seed Fate of Tropical Montane Trees in an Agricultural Landscape, Southern Costa Rica


This study seeks to understand postdispersal seed fate in Montane Costa Rica in order to better identify factors driving forest regeneration.

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