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Emerging Threats and Opportunities for Large-Scale Ecological Restoration in the Atlantic Forest of BrazilbackgroundThis article presents a policy model known as the Atlantic Forest Restoration Pact (AFRP) and discusses the vital role the Brazilian Forest Act and other legislation has played in preventing deforestation and encouraging reforestation. Available with subscription or purchase |
Restoring abandoned pasture land with native tree species in Costa Rica: Effects of exotic grass competition and lightBackgroundAvailable with subscription or purchase |
Monitoring of Black Mangrove Restoration with Nursery-Reared Seedlings on an Arid Coastal LagoonbackgroundThis paper describes a reforestation experiment with black mangrove (Avicennia germinans) in an arid mangrove forest of Baja California Sur, Mexico. In arid mangrove systems, natural regeneration and small-scale reforestation are not adequate to restore mangrove forests, as they may be in the humid tropics. Thus, alternative nursery techniques for arid mangroves must be developed. Available with subscription or purchase |
Silvicultural and economic aspects of pure and mixed native tree species plantations on degraded pasturelands in humid Costa RicaBackgroundReforestation of degraded land in tropical regions provides one means of restoring ecosystems and improving rural livelihoods. Most plantations in humid tropical regions are established in pure plots using few species of high commercial value, generally exotics. This study compares growth and economic viability of native trees in pure and mixed plantations on degraded land. Available with subscription or purchase |
Evaluation of Trees Indigenous to the Montane Forest of the Blue Mountains, Jamaica for Reforestation and AgroforestrybackgroundThis study investigates local knowledge of native species and their uses in agroforestry systems, as well as the establishment of native species in the Blue Mountains of Jamaica. Available with subscription or purchase |
Performance of an Improved Fallow System in the Peruvian Amazon—Modelling ApproachbackgroundThis research compares the ecological and economic potential of an improved leguminous tree fallow (using Inga edulis) to the traditional grass fallow (dominated by Imperata brasiliensis) in central Peru. Available with subscription or purchase |
Impacts of Native Trees on Tropical Soils: A Study in the Atlantic Lowlands of Costa RicabackgroundThis article describes the results of a study in Costa Rica that compared the soil fertility in a 2.5 year-old plantation of 6 native tree species, grass pasture, and 20 year-old secondary forest. Available with subscription or purchase |
Coffee yields and soil nutrients under the shades of Inga sp. vs. multiple species in Chiapas, MexicoBackgroundThe type of canopy structure that provides shade to shade-grown coffee may make a difference in production. While Mexican coffee producers have often sought to replace a natural diverse canopy with Inga latibracteata alone, the benefits of either method for yield and for ease of management have not been adequately studied. Available with subscription or purchase |
Effects of Inga densiflora on the Microclimate of Coffee (Coffea arabica L.) and Overall Biomass under Optimal Growing Conditions in Costa RicabackgroundThis article compares a coffee agroforestry system shaded with Inga densiflora to a coffee monoculture in optimal coffee growing conditions in Costa Rica. The two systems were investigated to determine differences in microclimate, coffee yield, and vegetative development of the coffee plants. Available with subscription or purchase |
Tree biodiversity in farmer cooperatives of a shade coffee landscape in western El SalvadorbackgroundConservation of tropical biodiversity in agricultural landscapes has become more important as the area covered by natural ecosystems decreases. Understanding the types of biodiversity common in agriculturally managed lands, and involving farmers in conservation planning, is important for regional conservation goals. Available with subscription or purchase |
Coffee Agroforestry Systems in Central America: II. Development of a Simple Process-Based Model and Preliminary ResultsBackgroundAvailable with subscription or purchase |
Arboles de Centroamerica: un Manual para Extensionistas (Trees of Central America: a Manual for Extentionists)EspañolAntecedentesLos agricultores de Centro América afrontan una compleja realidad que usualmente no es considerada en las iniciativas de manejo sostenible, lo que repercute en la falta de éxito de estas. En un esfuerzo por insertar las necesidades reales de los agricultores a estas actividades, este manual busca cubrir la brecha de información relacionada a especies arbóreas nativas de América Central. Available with subscription or purchase |
High Diversity Forest Restoration in Degraded Areas: Methods and Projects in BrazilbackgroundThis book addresses different approaches to the restoration of degraded, high diversity tropical and subtropical forests, including methods and empirical results. Available with subscription or purchase |
A Review of the Agroforestry Systems of Costa RicaBackgroundThis literature review provides a historical overview of agroforestry systems in Costa Rica from the 1970s to the present. Available with subscription or purchase |
A Survey of Small-Scale Farmers Using Trees in Pastures in Herrera Province, PanamabackgroundThe Herrera Province on the Azuero Peninsula of Panamá has experienced significant deforestation for the purpose of cattle ranching. Available with subscription or purchase |
Contextual Analysis of Agroforestry Adoption in the Buffer Zone of Podocarpus National Park, EcuadorBackgroundPromoting sustainable agriculture and community development has been an important strategy both to alleviate resource pressures on Ecuador’s Podocarpus National Park (PNP) and surrounding forested areas in its buffer zone, and to aid local communities. However, many contextual factors drive neighboring rural and agricultural communities to put pressure on PNP and the surrounding landscape. Available with subscription or purchase |
Restoration of a Coastal Swamp Forest in Southeast BrazilbackgroundThis study evaluates the potential for nine native tree and shrub species for use in the revegetation of degraded swamps in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Research Goals & MethodsInvasive grasses and other vegetation, including the exotic tree Casuarina equisetifolia were removed from the site. Available with subscription or purchase |
Use of Fruit Essential Oils to Assist Forest Regeneration by BatsbackgroundThis study details techniques for attracting bats to an area to facilitate seed dispersal in degraded areas in and around Parque Estadual Vila Rica do Espírito Santo in Fênix, Paraná, Brazil. Available with subscription or purchase |
Technical and Financial Analysis of Enrichment Planting in Logging Gaps as a Potential Component of Forest Management in the Eastern AmazonbackgroundThis study investigates the potential for managing timber tree species regeneration in disturbed areas within logged forests in the eastern Amazon through the experimental introduction of seeds and seedlings. Available with subscription or purchase |
Enrichment Planting of Bertholletia excelsa in Secondary Forest in the Bolivian Amazon: Effect of Cutting Line Width on Survival, Growth and Crown TraitsbackgroundBertholletia excelsa (Brazil nut tree) seedlings were planted as enrichment plantings under a variety of different treatments in the El Tigre reserve in the northern Bolivian Amazon. Available with subscription or purchase |