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Trade-offs between tree cover, carbon storage and floristic biodiversity in reforesting landscapes


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Trade-offs between tree cover, carbon storage and floristic biodiversity in reforesting landscapes


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The Role of Nurse Trees in Mitigating Fire Effects on Tropical Dry Forest Restoration: A Case Study


The authors of this study initially studied differential growth rates in a reforestation project of native tree species with nurse trees(Leucaena leucocephala) and without nurse trees when the area had two fire events. However, authors took advantage of the unplanned experiment to study the effects of fire in reforestation.

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Successional Change and Resilience of a Very Dry Tropical Deciduous Forest Following Shifting Agriculture


Given substaintial conversion of very dry tropical deciduous forests in Mexico to agricultural and other land uses, this study examines forest succession over time in such ecosystems. The study was conducted near Nizanda, Oaxaca, Mexico with 26°C average temperatures and 900 mm average rainfall.

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A Strategy for Restoration of Montane Forest in Anthropogenic Fern Thickets in the Dominican Republic


This study looked at the potential of different tree species to grow in clearings in fern-dominated thickets in a state of arrested succession. It was conducted in the Ébano Verde Scientific Reserve in the Dominican Republic with subtropical montane forest.

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Seed germination and seedling establishment of Neotropical dry forest species in response to temperature and light conditions


Site conditions in restoration projects vary widely, with proper conditions for germination not always available for a given species. This study examines the germination requirements of Cedrela odorata, Guaiacum sanctum and Calycophyllum candidissimum seeds under varying light conditions beneath the canopy of a dry forest in Nicaragua.

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Can Intensive Management Accelerate the Restoration of Brazil’s Atlantic Forests?


This study takes place in the heavily degraded Atlantic Forest region of eastern Brazil, where only 7% of the original forest cover remains. The study tests the question of whether intensive management methods similar to those used to establish fast-growing Eucalyptus plantations could also be applied to restoration of rainforest on former pasture-land dominated by grasses. 

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Vegetation recovery on earthquake-triggered landslide sites in the Ecuadorian Andes


In this study, researchers surveyed vegetation in a landslide on the Quijos river in Ecuador and inventoried species distribution at distances along the landslide.

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Identifying Fast-Growing Native Trees from the Neotropics using Data from a Large, Permanent Census Plot


This paper results from data collected over a decade from 160 trees in a 50 ha plot in BCI Panama.

Research Goals & Methods

Growth in dbh was calculated and a projection (trajectory) was estimated for the life of the tree (using regression).

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Effect of Land Prices, Transportation Costs, and Site Productivity on Timber Investment Returns for Pine Plantations in Colombia


This study assesses the importance of  land costs, site quality, and forest location on financial returns of forestry investments. 

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Timber Investment Returns for Selected Plantations and Native Forests in South America and the Southern United States


This study examines the value of timber investments in South America. Exotic Eucalyptus in the southern cone (Argentina + Chile) are the most profitable, with Internal Rate of Return of 13-23%, followed by exotic loblolly pine (Pinus taeda), whereas investments in the southeast USA is less profitable.

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Moringa oleifera (Moringaceae): ethnobotanical studies in Guatemala


This article reviews an ethnobotanical survey and a prelimary agronomic study in order to understand the popular uses and viability of Moringa oleifera, a widely-used and well-known plant in Guatemala. 

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Economic Botany of Spondias Purpurea


This article reviews the Neotropical fruit Spondias purpurea (Anacardiaceae) - "Ciruela" or "Ovo", describing the cultivation, yields, and economics of the fruit.

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Fruit Production of the Ungurahua Palm (Oenocarpus bataua subsp. bataua, Arecaceae) in an Indigenous Managed Reserve


This article reviews the biology and use of the Amazonian palm Oenocarpus batua, known in Ecuador as ungurahua. It is a mid-story palm that grows throughout the terra firme sites in the Amazon Basin and wet coastal areas of Ecuador, Trinidad, and Panama.

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Amelioration of degraded rain forest soils by plantations of native trees


While much has been studied about the ability of tree growth to improve degraded soils in temperate zones, less is known about the impacts of tree growth on degraded soils in tropical zones.

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Effects of forest clearing and succession on the carbon and nitrogen content of soils in Puerto Rico and US Virgin Islands


Conversion of tropical forest lands to agriculture or pasture affects soil organic matter, moisture, and nutrients. This study examines the effects on soil carbon, nitrogen, and moisture at depths up to 100 cm of conversion from forest to agriculture and pasture.

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Using ecosystem valuation to protect the Atlantic Rainforest: the case of the Oasis Project


The article explores the Oasis Project, which is a payment for ecosystem services program that aims to protect the Atlantic Forest in Brazil. The program was established in 1990 in response to the destruction of the forest. The Oasis Project aims to provide drinking water to approximately 17 million in the Sao Paulo metropolitan region by financially compensating landowners engaged in maintaining forest cover in their proprieties. 

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Deep Soil Moisture Storage and Transpiration in Forests and Pastures of Seasonally-Dry Amazonia


This study, conducted in the seasonal rainforest of Northern Brazil (Para), compares re-growth of pasture, mature forest, and natural forest (capoeira). 

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Restoring dense vegetation can slow mountain erosion to near natural benchmark levels


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Deforestation and Reforestation of Latin America and the Caribbean (2001–2010)


This study examines contrasting forest cover change dynamics in Latin America and the Caribbean using MODIS satellite imagery. Many studies have documented deforestation, while others report forest recovery. This study seeks to analyze these trends on a large scale and connect them to environmental and population variables.

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