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Forest Rehabilitation and its Implication for Forest Transition TheorybackgroundThis article reviews the history of forest rehabilitation in Vietnam, Philippines, China, Peru, Indonesia, and Brazil. Available with subscription or purchase |
Reforestation with the Native Tree Alnus acuminata: Effects on Phytodiversity and Species Richness in an Upper Montane Rain Forest Area of ColombiaBackgroundThis study takes place in the western cordillera in Colombia (Quindio). Upper montane forest is dominated by large Weinmannia (Alnus acuminata) plantations established from 1977-1978 on abandoned agricultural and grazing land (for erosion control), and secondary forest fragments that naturally colonized abandoned agricultural areas. Available with subscription or purchase |
Evaluation of Native Tree Species for the Rehabilitation of Deforested Areas in a Mexican Cloud ForestbackgroundThis study examines the survival of four native tree species used in mixed-experimental plantations in the tropical montane forest of Veracruz, Mexico (1300-1900m). Tropical montane covers only 1% of land surface in Mexico but contains ~ 10% of all flowering plants. In Veracruz, forest fragments occupy on 10% of the oringinal forest cover. Available with subscription or purchase |
Avian Communities in Forest Fragments and Reforestation Areas Associated with Banana Plantations in Costa RicaBackgroundThis study evaluates the avian diversity value of reforested and secondary forest fragments in a matrix of banana plantations in Caribbean Costa Rica. In Costa Rica, banana producers (Dole and Delmonte) retain riparian buffer forests in addition to reforestation on lands removed from production. Zygia longifolia dominated reforested and secondary forest fragments. Available with subscription or purchase |
Smallholder perceptions of agroforestry projects in PanamaBackgroundPanama’s history of shifting slash-and-burn cultivation methods has resulted in rapid deforestation and declines in land fertility in the latter 20th C with an increased population and increased resource extraction pressures. Agroforestry has been promoted in Central America, initially for fuelwood and then for more diverse usages and supplemental income for smallholders. Available with subscription or purchase |
Análisis de cambios de paisaje: Tournavista – Campo Verde y su área de influencia pérdida y fragmentación de bosques: 1963 – 2000 (Landscape change analysis: Tournavista – Campo Verde and its area of influence, forest fragmentation and loss 1963)EspañolEl estudio analiza los efectos causados por la colonización en Tournavista, Peru, a partir de 1963 y estima los impactos y degradación provocados usando métodos de teledetección. Available with subscription or purchase |
Can tropical farmers reconcile subsistence needs with forest conservation?backgroundDespite efforts to protect tropical rainforests through various policy initiatives, forests continue to face pressure from smallholders' subsistence needs, especially in montane regions. This paper proposes a means to turn abandoned montane pastoral land into productive agroforestry land as a viable alternative to further encroachment on existing forests. Available with subscription or purchase |
Memorias del I Congreso Colombiano de Restauración EcológicaBackgroundAvailable with subscription or purchase |
The Recovery of the Lower Montane Cloud Forest in the Mucujún Watershed, Mérida, VenezuelaBackgroundGiven the recovery of degraded forests in some landscapes throughout the tropics, the authors analyze land use change and land cover change in a mountain region of the andes of venezuela during a period of 50 years. Research Goals & MethodsThe study relies on aerial photographs taken between 1952 and 2009 of a peri-urban watershed. Available with subscription or purchase |
Vegetation Structure, Species Diversity, and Ecosystem Processes as Measures of Restoration SuccessBackgroundThis article provides an example of how to evaluate forest restoration using integrative methods, including measures of vegetation structure, species diversity, and ecosystem processes. Specifically discussed are four measures of vegetation structure, four measures of species diversity, and six measures of ecosystem processes. Available with subscription or purchase |
Effects of Fragmentation of the Atlantic Forest on Mammal Communities in South-Eastern BrazilBackgroundAvailable with subscription or purchase |
The Cultural Context of Forest Degradation in Adjacent Purépechan Communities, Michoacán, MexicoBackgroundThis study aims to understand the relationship between cultural and ecological drivers contributing to change in forest land use patterns by comparing two adjacent indigenous communities in the volcanic plateau region of Michoacán, Mexico. The study suggests that both cultural and ecological processes must be studied together to best understand the cultural causes of forest change and accurately assess ecological consequences. Available with subscription or purchase |
Effects of Dry Tropical Forest Fragmentation on the Reproductive Success and Genetic Structure of the tree Samanea samanbackgroundTropical trees are particularly vulnerable to forest fragmentation due to low population densities and reproductive self-incompatibility. Forest fragmentation is likely to decrease gene flow, increase endogamy, and eventually produce a high differentiation among remnant populations. Available with subscription or purchase |
Priority Setting for Scaling-Up Tropical Forest Restoration Projects: Early Lessons from the Atlantic Forest Restoration PactBackgroundAvailable with subscription or purchase |
The Savannization of Moist Forests in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, ColombiaBackgroundThis study in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta seeks to determine if savannas are natural or caused by anthropogenic factors. The authors use climate data from the past and present, the location of vegetation, and land use history to test their hypothesis. Available with subscription or purchase |
Forest Cover and Deforestation Patterns in the Northern Andes (Lake Maracaibo Basin): A Synoptic Assessment using MODIS and Landsat ImageryBackgroundSouth America has the highest deforestation rates in the tropics. Yet, the science is often questioned when determining these rates. For example, Venezuela, which has the second highest rate in the region, produces government reports on deforestation that are continually questioned by third parties. This paper stresses the need for more accurate and consistent data on forest cover and greenhouse gase emissions from deforestation. Available with subscription or purchase |
Effects of Logging, Liana Tangles and Pasture on Seed Fate of Dry Forest Tree Species in Central BrazilBackgroundThis article examines seed germination, predation, removal, and death for six different species in undistured forest, logged forest and an active pature. Because gaps created from logging are often overrun by liana tangles, it also compares seeds planted under patches of lianas (low forest) and seeds under patches of mature forest (high forest). Available with subscription or purchase |
Succession and Management of Tropical Dry Forests in the Americas: Review and New PerspectivesBackgroundAvailable with subscription or purchase |
Changes in vegetation structure and composition along a tropical forest chronosequence: implications for wildlifeBackgroundAvailable with subscription or purchase |
Agroforestry Adoption in Haiti: The Importance of Household and Farm CharacteristicsbackgroundAvailable with subscription or purchase |