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Temperatura ótima de germinação de sementes de espécies arbóreas brasileiras (Optimun temperature for germination of seeds of Brazilian tree species)

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Forest Plantations in Costa Rica and Nicaragua: Performance of Species and Preferences of Farmers


This paper presents data on the survival and growth of mixed native and exotic forest plantations established on abandoned pastures in Costa Rica and Nicaragua. The article also includes information on farmer species preference and socioeconomic information.

Open access copy available

Produção De Leite Com Sistemas Silvipastoris Intensivos (Milk Production with Intensive Silvopastoral Systems)

Open access copy available

Identifying Hotspots of Deforestation and Reforestation in Colombia (2001–2010): Implications for Protected Areas


This article uses satellite imagery, MODIS MOD13Q1 Vegetation Indices 250 , the Virtual Interpretation of EarthWeb-Interface Tool (VIEW-IT) to conduct a land-use analysis of Colombia, mapping trends and "hotspot" areas of deforestation and of reforestation from 2001 to 2010.

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Land Cover Change in Colombia: Surprising Forest Recovery Trends between 2001 and 2010


This study mapped annual land-use and land-cover from 2001 to 2010 in Colombia using MODIS (250 m) products coupled with reference data from high spatial resolution imagery (QuickBird) in Google Earth.

Open access copy available

Designing Pest-Suppressive Multistrata Perennial Crop Systems: Shade-Grown Coffee in Central America


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Bosques de los Andes orientales de Bolivia y sus especies útiles (Forests of the western Andes of Bolivia and its useful species)



Los bosques montanos sostienen no solo un gran biodiversidad, sino además los medios  de vida de poblaciones indígenas y mestizas. Es necesario conocer las especies de potencial económico que presentan los bosques montanos a fin de asegurar su conservación y manejo a largo plazo.

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Potential for low-cost carbon removal through tropical reforestation


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Tropical surface gold mining: A review of ecological impacts and restoration strategies


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Large carbon sink potential of secondary forests in the Brazilian Amazon to mitigate climate change


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