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Responses of 20 Native Tree Species to Reforestation Strategies for Abandoned Farmland in Panama


In the tropics, deforestation often leads to unproductive agriculture and results in degraded grasslands. This study seeks to understand why forests fail to regenerate naturally in these ecosystems. 

Open access copy available

Seed rain and seed limitation in a planted gallery forest in Brazil


Seed dispersal by wind (anemochorous) and animals, usually birds and bats (zoochorous), is an important driver of succession. This study examines seed rain in a planted gallery forest (riparian corridor) in Brazil.

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Isolated Trees and Grass Removal Improve Performance of Transplanted Trema micrantha (L.) Blume (Ulmaceae) Saplings in Tropical Pastures


This research evaluates the survival and growth of saplings of Trema micrantha when transplanted into recently abandoned pastureland in southeast Mexico. Trema micrantha is a pioneer species native to Mexico with ecological and physiological properties that would make it viable for planting in open fields.

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Factors Affecting Community Composition of Forest Regeneration in Deforested, Abandoned Land in Panama


This study tests how Saccharum spontaneum, an invasive grass, affects early forest succession and community composition in an area of previously abandoned pasture.

Open access copy available

SPVS Reforestation in the Coastal Atlantic Forest, Brazil

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Temperatura ótima de germinação de sementes de espécies arbóreas brasileiras (Optimun temperature for germination of seeds of Brazilian tree species)

Open access copy available

Banco de Sementes como Indicador de Restauração de uma Área Degradada por Mineração de Caulim em Brás Pires, MG

The authors germinated the seed bank from degraded former kaolin mining sites that have regenerated naturally for a period of 20 years. They used two light treatments usedfor the germination: one with 11.5% shade, and another with 60%. There was a wide range of variation among the species according to the light level, with some species producing far more seedlings under one treatment that the other. Most (2/3) of the species germinating (total n: 36) were herbaceous, with eight tree species (see above).

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