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What Role Should Government Regulation Play in Ecological Restoration? Ongoing Debate in São Paulo State, BrazilbackgroundOpen access copy available |
Light Acclimation of Four Native Tree Species in Felling Gaps within a Tropical Mountain RainforestbackgroundThis article addresses the decline of Ecuadorian mountain rainforests by evaluating the success fo enrichment planting of native tree species in forest gaps to prote native tree abundance and biodiversity. Available with subscription or purchase |
Forest Management Practices in the Bayano Region of Panama: Cultural VariationsbackgroundThis paper examines differences in forest exploitation between indigenous groups and colonists along an agricultural frontier in Panama and focuses on differences in forest use, economic base, and management practices. Available with subscription or purchase |
Fire in the Seasonal Semideciduous Forest: Impact and Regeneration at Forest EdgesbackgroundThis study looks at a fragment of semi-deciduous forest in Brazil to determine the effects of fire on vegetation at varying distances from the fragment’s edge, as well as the recovery of forest structure and species diversity after fire. Open access copy available |
Forest Regeneration in a Chronosequence of Tropical Abandoned Pastures: Implications for Restoration EcologyBackgroundDuring the mid‐1900s, most of the island of Puerto Rico was deforested, but a shift in the economy from agriculture to small industry beginning in the 1950s resulted in the abandonment of agricultural lands and recovery of secondary forest. This research examines the natural regeneration patterns on these abandoned agricultural lands in four different regions of Puerto Rico. Available with subscription or purchase |
Seed development, yield and quality of two palm species growing in different tropical forest types in SE Brazil: implications for ecological restorationBackgroundNatural forest remnants have been set as seed production fields to supply seeds of native tree species for tropical forest restoration, but the effect of different forest types on seed production has not been accessed to date for palm species. This study reports on seed development, yield, and quality of two palm species in different tropical forest types in SE Brazil. Open access copy available |
Establishment and Growth of Living Fence Species: An Overlooked Tool for the Restoration of Degraded Areas in the TropicsbackgroundThis article describes three studies conducted in Honduras which examined the potential of using living fence species in restoration. Available with subscription or purchase |
Tropical Forest Restoration within Galapagos National Park: Application of a State-transition ModelBackgroundOpen access copy available |
Temperatura ótima de germinação de sementes de espécies arbóreas brasileiras (Optimun temperature for germination of seeds of Brazilian tree species)Open access copy available |
Crescimento de mudas de Euterpe edulis Martius em resposta a diferentes doses de fósforo (Growth of seedlings of Euterpe edulis Martius in response to different doses of phosphorous)Open access copy available |
Cattle and Weedy Shrubs as Restoration Tools of Tropical Montane RainforestbackgroundIn abandoned Latin American pastures, grasses often inhibit the establishment of woody species. This study tests the effect of cattle grazing on woody and herbaceous vegetation establishment in pastures of P. clandestinum and M. minutiflora. Available with subscription or purchase |
Effects of Different Light Levels on the Initial Growth and Photosynthesis of Croton urucurana Baill. in Southeastern BrazilbackgroundThis study measures the effect of different levels of shading on growth, chlorophyll concentration, and photosynthetic rate of Croton urucurana, a pioneer species potentially important in reforestation efforts in riparian forests of Brazil. Open access copy available |
Deficiência de macronutrientes em mudas de Sangra d’Agua (Croton urucurana, Baill.)Open access copy available |
The Structure and Composition of a Tropical Dry Forest Landscape After Land Clearance; Azuero Peninsula, PanamabackgroundAvailable with subscription or purchase |
Early Growth of Native and Exotic Trees Planted on Degraded Tropical PasturebackgroundThis study describes the potential of two exotic and five native tree species to restore degraded land in Costa Rica. Research Goals & MethodsThirty blocks were established over 25 hectares of abandoned cattle pasture and tree height was measured at 3 and 7 years and tree survival was measured after 7 years. Available with subscription or purchase |
The Apparent Paradox of Reestablishing Species Richness on Degraded Lands with Tree MonoculturesbackgroundThis article discusses the use of tropical tree plantations as an approach to rehabilitation of degraded landscapes. For extremely degraded sites, the use of plantations may provide the proper shade, microclimate and protection for other species to colonize the understory. Research on the use of plantations in restoration is discussed, with examples primarily from Puerto Rico. Open access copy available |
Growth and effects of thinning of mixed and pure plantations with native trees in humid tropical Costa RicaBackgroundAs reforestation with native tree species gains in popularity, more information about proper management is needed. This study examines the growth and responses to thinning of ten native species in mixed and pure-species plantations in the Caribbean Lowlands of Costa Rica. Open access copy available |
Studies on the Seed Biology of 100 Native Species of Trees in a Seasonal Moist Tropical Forest, Panama, Central AmericaBackgroundSince 1998, the Panama Canal Watershed has experienced a decline in forest cover. The watershed ensures a functioning canal, thus there has been a significant investment in resources to reforest and restore the region. While these projects have focused primarily on native species, there has been issues with seed-handling. Available with subscription or purchase |
How Successful is Tree growing for Smallholders in the Amazon?backgroundOpen access copy available |
Temporary Storage of Jussara Palm Seeds: Effects of Time, Temperature and Pulp on Germination and VigorbackgroundThe seeds of the jussara palm (Euterpe edulis) are recalcitrant and immediate sowing is not always possible after harvest; hence, research that examines the ability of the seeds to be stored and the effect of this storage on germination proves important. Open access copy available |