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Le secteur des terres: solution au problème du dérèglement climatique? (The lands sector: solution to climate change?)The author discusses the merits of using agriculture as a way of sequestering carbon through the use of agroforestry. He presents various case studies of successful re-greening efforts in Africa and noted that investments in agroecology can increase food security and climate resilience. Finally, the author notes that rural areas need to be taken into account when considering climate negotiations because they hold the potential to drastically increase carbon sequestration.
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Identité et écologie des espèces forestières commerciales d'Afrique Centrale: le cas de Milicia spp. (Identity and ecology of Central African timber tree species: the case of Milicia spp.)The authors explore the literature on two native tree species of commercial value in central Africa:Milicia excelsa and Milicia regia. Known locally as iroko, the authors note that exploitation of the trees have led to a decrease in its abundance. Finally, the authors argue that because the species are recognized as having economic importance, more research is needed on the species' ecologies in order to sustainably manage them.
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Etude de la variabilité génétique et de la phylogéographie de Santiria trimera (Burseraceae) - implications pour une conservation durable des forêts humides d’AfriqueThe author describes the genetic variability and phylogeography of the tree Santiria trimera in Central Africa.
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Ecology and Management of Pericopsis elata (Harms) Meeuwen (Fabaceae) Populations: A ReviewBackgroundThis paper conducts a literature review of the economically important timber species P. elata, paying close attention to studies that examine the tree's ecology, management, and genetics. Open access copy available |
Non-timber Forest Product Harvest does not Affect the Genetic Diversity of a Tropical Tree Despite Negative Effects on Population FitnessbackgroundThe authors investigated a relationship between exploitation of economically important mahogany in Benin and the species genetic diversity. The study is base on the theory that disturbances in forest habitats can lead to a decrease in diversity due to population fragmentation and increased inbreeding. Open access copy available |
La gestion des forêts communautaires face au défi de la pauvreté et du développement rural (Community forest management in the face of poverty and rural development challenges)The author questions whether community forestry in Cameroon will be able to sustain rural livelihoods. S/he advocates for other value systems to be integrated into management plans in order to decrease poverty while benefitting conservation.
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Structure spatiale des arbres des savanes boisées et forêts claires soudaniennes : implication pour les enrichissements forestiers (Spatial structure of trees in forested savanna and Sudanian forests: implication for forest enrichment)This article is concerned with modeling ideal spacial distributions of tree species in Benin. The authors suggest 3 meters as the ideal distance between trees of the same species, or 4.5 meters between trees of different species.
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L’agriculture de conservation à la croisée des chemins en Afrique et à Madagascar (Conservation agriculture at a crossroads in Africa and Madagascar)The authors describe conservation agriculture, which they describe as farming systems that use little mechanical soil disturbance, permanant organic cover, and diversified crops. The authors argue that conservation agriculture is important for maintaining soil health.
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National Forest Policy of MalawiBackgroundIn Malawi, there has been extensive forest degradation, estimated at an annual loss of 2.8%. The degradation is caused by a variety of factors, including agriculture expansion, human settlement, fire use, timber and non-timber over extraction. The 2016 Forest Policy of Malawi outlines a policy-approach to stop and revert these trends. Open access copy available |
Malawi State of Environment and Outlook Report: Environment for Sustainable Economic GrowthBackgroundAlthough Malawi’s rich natural resources – forests, fertile soils, water resources, and fisheries – offer opportunity for sustainable development, mismanagement of these resources and poverty-related resource exploitation pose a risk for resource degradation. This periodic (2010) State of the Environment and Outlook report discusses trends, threats and opportunities in the environmental, health, demographic, industrial and agricultural sectors. Open access copy available |
Maintenance of Hydropower Potential in Rwanda Through Ecosystem Restoration: World Resources Report Case StudyBackgroundRwanda’s rapidly expanding electricity production is highly reliant on hydropower. However, hydropower as a sole source presents risks during changing global and regional hydrological conditions. Open access copy available |
Modelling Deforestation in Dzalanyama Forest Reserve, Lilongwe, Malawi: Using Multi-agent Simulation ApproachBackgroundThe Dzalanyama Forest Reserve is a 90,000 + hectare area in Lilongwe, Malwi. There has been an increase in charcoal production in the area leading to land cover transitions in the reserve, particularly that forest cover decreased by 22,000 ha over a twenty year span between 1990 and 2010. Open access copy available |
Agroforestry Solutions to Address Food Security and Climate Change Challenges in AfricabackgroundMany parts of Africa face food insecurity and land degradation, challenges which will only be exacerbated by the impacts of climate change. The article proposes that agroforestry has the potential to improve the resilience of small farmers by enhancing soil fertility and providing food and fuel sources. However there has not been widespread adoption of agroforestry strategies across Africa. Open access copy available |
Land Cover Dynamics in the Kirisia Forest Ecosystem, Samburu County, KenyabackgroundThroughout Africa, forest ecosystems play a significant role in supporting local livelihoods. In Kenya specifically, these ecosystems contribute to economic development while also improving watershed dynamics. Yet, these ecosystems have experienced significant changes over the decades. This study aims to quantify these land changes in the Kirisia forest ecosystem from 1973 to 2015. Open access copy available |
Ecological Study of Kirisia Forest ReserveBackgroundIn order to inform a 2009 Conservation Enterprise Development Program, a preliminary ecological survey was carried out at the Kirisia Forest Reserve in Samburu District, Kenya. The survey was in response to an aerial survey conducted by the Wilderness Foundation UK that examined potential drivers of forest destruction. Open access copy available |
Integrating Livestock Production with Forest Management among Leroghi Forest Adjacent Pastoral Communities in Samburu County, KenyaBackgroundThe study examines a forest based livestock production system in Samburu Country, Kenya. It focuses on nomadic and semi-nomadi pastoralists whom rely on water, dry season fodder, and pastures for their livelihoods. Open access copy available |
Analysis of Drivers and Underlying Causes of Forest Cover Change in Various Forest Types of KenyaBACKGROUNDOpen access copy available |
Restoring forest landscapes: Forest landscape restoration aims to re-establish ecological integrity and enhance human well-being in degraded forest landscapesBackgroundTropical forests are highly fragmented. 42% of forest – including secondary forest – exists in large tracts, with the majority of forest in fragmented patches near roads and settlements. Although the science and conservation communities largely approach forests for either conservation or production, this approach omits the vital role forests play in the livelihoods of millions of people who live in close proximity. Open access copy available |
Disappearing Forests in Malawi: Causes and SolutionsBackgroundMalawi has experienced rapid population growth coupled with soil erosion, land degradation, deforestation, hunger, and poverty. While it appears these trends are related, the author argues that the causes are more complex. Open access copy available |
Plan d'amenagement et de gestion de la foret galerie de Makera: 2009-2013 (Management plan for the Makera gallery forest: 2009-2013)This report provides a biologic, economic, and sociologic context for the state of the Makera gallery forest in Rwanda.The authors provide plans for management, ongoing research, and community engagement with the forest. Open access copy available |