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Reforestation and Regrowth in the Human Dominated Landscapes of South AsiabackgroundThis study evaluates the drivers of reforestation and regrowth in South Asia using case studies and a meta-analysis of 24 papers. Available with subscription or purchase |
Restoring rainforest fragments: Survival of mixed-native species seedlings under contrasting site conditions in the Western Ghats, IndiaBackgroundHistorical fragmentation and a current annual deforestation rate of 1.2% in the Western Ghats biodiversity hotspot have resulted in a human-dominated landscape of plantations, agriculture, and developed areas, with embedded rainforest fragments that form biodiversity refuges and animal corridors. This study evaluates restoration efficacy for tropical rainforest under three different site conditions in the Anamalai hills, India. Available with subscription or purchase |
The Bigger Picture: Tropical Forest Change in Context, Concept and PracticebackgroundThis article discusses differing concepts of reforestation between the fields of forest science and land change science. Most data from the field of forest science is small in scale and evaluates growth and production from the perspective of use of wood products. Available with subscription or purchase |
Dalbergia Sissoo Mortality in Bangladesh Plantations: Correlations with Environmental and Management ParametersbackgroundThis research seeks to correlate environmental and plantation conditions with the widespread mortality of Dalbergia sissoo trees planted in Bangladesh. Available with subscription or purchase |
Enrichment Planting of Dipterocarps in Logged-Over Secondary Forests: Effect of Width, Direction and Maintenance Method of Planting Line on Selected Shorea SpeciesbackgroundIn this study, three different planting design experiements were conducted using three Dipterocarp tree species planted in a heavily logged area of South Kalimantan. The area was logged in 1979 and used for shifting cultivation until 1988. Available with subscription or purchase |
Participatory Forestry as a Strategy for Reforestation in BangladeshbackgroundThis article describes Bangladesh's history of reforestation programs, notes the rarity of their success, and provides suggestions for future programs. Available with subscription or purchase |
Effects of fire on the recruitment of rain forest vegetation beneath Pinus caribaea plantations, Sri LankaBackgroundGroundstory fires burn forest understories and can impact advance regeneration, contributing to conversion of forests to fire-sustained grasslands or fernlands. While plantations of fire-tolerant trees have been successfully established on these sites, managing fire in the newly developing understory remains an issue of concern. Available with subscription or purchase |
Release from Root Competition Promotes Tree Seedling Survival and Growth Following Transplantation into Human-Induced Grasslands in Sri LankabackgroundThis study evaluates the growth and survival of four native tree species planted as seedlings in grasslands situated in previously abandoned tea plantations. Available with subscription or purchase |
Impact of Plantation on Ecosystem Development in Disturbed Coal Mine Overburden SpoilsbackgroundThis study evaluates the growth, survival, understory composition, and soil conditions in a plantation established on a mine site in India. Available with subscription or purchase |
Releasing Rain Forest Succession: A Case Study in the Dicranopteris linearis Fernlands of Sri LankabackgroundThis study evaluates the effectiveness of different site treatments for controlling the invasive fern Dicranopteris linearis which has arrested forest succession in areas of the Sinharaja Man and Biosphere (MAB) reserve in lowland Sri Lanka. The fernlands, which had existed in the reserve for 10-20 years before this study, are favored by forest clearance for swidden agriculture and periodic fires. Available with subscription or purchase |
Role of Legumes in Release of Successionally Arrested Grasslands inthe Central Hills of Sri LankaBackgroundAvailable with subscription or purchase |
Restoration of a Sri-Lankan rainforest: Using Caribbean Pine Pinus caribaea as a nurse for establishing late-successional tree speciesBackgroundIn the moist tropics, studies have demonstrated poor seedling establishment of late-successional trees on lands cleared of forest. This study examines the potential for establishing late-successional tree species that dominate the canopy of rainforest by planting within and adjacent to experimental openings that were created within a Pinus caribaea plantation. Available with subscription or purchase |
Experiments on Ecological Restoration of Coal Mine Spoil using Native Trees in a Dry Tropical Environment, India: A SynthesisbackgroundAvailable with subscription or purchase |
Ecological Significance of Crown Functional Traits Across Size Classes and Disturbance Environments in Eight Pioneer Species in a Sri Lankan Rain ForestbackgroundThis article evaluates the tree crown characteristics of eight pioneer tree species in the Shorea-Mesua vegetation type (an aseasonal, mixed dipterocarp forest) around the Sinharaja World Heritage Forest Reserve in southwest Sri Lanka. Available with subscription or purchase |
The Horseradish Tree, Moringa pterygosperma (Moringaceae)— A boon to Arid Lands?BackgroundThe horseradish tree (Moringa pterygosperma) is being introduced into drought-ridden lands t o augment the local food and fodder supply.This study evaluates the reforestation potential of Moringa in India and Africa. Available with subscription or purchase |
Nitrogen Dynamics of Actinorhizal Casuarina Forest Stands and its Comparison with Alnus and Leucaena ForestsBackgroundNitrogen plays a key role in soil fertility and plant productivity. Therefore, in regions in which deforestation has increasingly led to savannization and desertification, afforestation by fast-growing, n-fixing tree species is preferable. This study examines the characteristics of nitrogen fixing trees. Available with subscription or purchase |
Effect of Reforestation using Tectona grandis on Infiltration and Soil Water RetentionBackgroundIn this study, researchers examine the effect of teak (Tectona grandis) reforestation on soil infiltration and water retention in Sri Lanka. They compare the reforested site (12 years after planting) with a corn field and an abandoned pasture dominated by Imperata cylindrica grass. Available with subscription or purchase |
The Role of Revegetation for Rehabilitation of Sodic soils in Semiarid Subtropical Forest, IndiabackgroundThis study relies on a case study evaluate the rehabilitation of barren land within a larger forest ecosystem. The article indicates that restoration opportunities exist even with severely degraded land where natural succession does not occur without management practices. Available with subscription or purchase |
The Rain–Runoff Response of Tropical Humid Forest Ecosystems to Use and Reforestation in the Western Ghats of IndiaBackgroundAvailable with subscription or purchase |
Monitoring Mangrove Forest Dynamics of the Sundarbans in Bangladesh and India using Multi-Temporal Satellite Data from 1973 to 2000BackgroundIn the Sundurbans of India and Bangladesh, the authors measured the extent and condition of the mangrove forest at three intervals using GeoCover datasets (Landsat MSS, TM, ETM+) with the goal of assessing the current extent of the remaining forest, measuring change in the extent of the forest in different time periods, and identifying areas of intensive deforestation or degradation and changes in patterns of canopy density. Available with subscription or purchase |