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Afforestation and Reforestation Projects in South and South-East Asia Under the Clean Development Mechanism: Trends and Development OpportunitiesbackgroundThe Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) was created as part of the 2007 Kyoto Protocol to assist countries in achieving both development and sustainability. Afforestation and reforestation (AR) projects are a part of the CDM protocal, but can be challenging to implement and measure. Open access copy available |
Monitoring Mangrove Forest Dynamics of the Sundarbans in Bangladesh and India using Multi-Temporal Satellite Data from 1973 to 2000BackgroundIn the Sundurbans of India and Bangladesh, the authors measured the extent and condition of the mangrove forest at three intervals using GeoCover datasets (Landsat MSS, TM, ETM+) with the goal of assessing the current extent of the remaining forest, measuring change in the extent of the forest in different time periods, and identifying areas of intensive deforestation or degradation and changes in patterns of canopy density. Available with subscription or purchase |
Afforestation for Reclaiming Degraded Village Common Land: A Case StudybackgroundIn India, population growth and agriculture put a strain on natural resources, often resulting in "wastelands" where the soil is no longer productive - often either affected by either salt or alkilinity. Using soil amendments to restore these lands to productivity can be cost-prohibitive for the small villages that own these lands. Afforestation is one possible method for restoring the health of these in a cost-effective and scalable way. Available with subscription or purchase |
Simulating Forest Cover Changes of Bannerghatta National Park Based on a CA-Markov Model: A Remote Sensing ApproachBackgroundEstablishment of protected areas has been a primary response to deforestation and land-use change in tropical forests. However, few empirical evaluations have conducted a comparison of pre- and post-intervention landscapes. Open access copy available |
Integrating National Forestry Initiatives in India with International Climate Change PolicybackgroundThis study reviews forest policies in India (eg. 1988 Forest Policy, 1990 Joint Forest Management, and 2006 Recognition of Forest Rights) and their impacts to assess how they can complement and inform international climate change mitigation instruments. It also seeks to determine how communities can sustain their system of forest management and retain/obtain rights to land and resources under these instruments. Available with subscription or purchase |
The Impact of Forest Use and Reforestation on Soil Hydraulic Conductivity in the Western Ghats of India: Implications for Surface and Sub-Surface HydrologybackgroundAvailable with subscription or purchase |
Patterns of Carbon Sequestration in Forests of Western Ghats and Study of Applicability of Remote Sensing in Generating Carbon Credits through Afforestation/ReforestationBackgroundUsing ground-based observations coupled with satellite remote sensing, this study aims to estimate the potential of the forests of Radhanagari Wildlife Sanctuary (Western Ghats, India) to sequester atmospheric carbon dioxide and to identify land which has the potential for reforestation activity under the Clean Development Mechanism. Available with subscription or purchase |
Disturbance and Tropical Pioneer Species: Patterns of Association Across Life History StagesBAckgroundThe authors studied pioneer species common in the Sinharaja World Heritage Reserve in Sri Lanka to characterize differences in relation to canopy openness and type, and intensity of disturbance using a combination of field work, canopy photos, and regression models. Available with subscription or purchase |
Growth, biomass, carbon storage and nutrient distribution in Gmelina arborea stands on red lateritic soils in central IndiaBackgroundLarge-scale plantations are being established on degraded lands in India to restore the productivity of these soils and landscapes and to sequester atmospheric carbon. Gmelina arborea is a fast-growing indigenous tree used for timber, fuelwood, pulp and fodder already in use in reforestation projects. However, its growth and biomass production has been inadequately studied, particularly in the poor red laterite soils that dominate degraded landscapes. Available with subscription or purchase |
Carbon stock in Kolli forests, Eastern Ghats (India) with emphasis on aboveground biomass, litter, woody debris and soilsbackgroundCarbon estimates for India’s forests are inadequate because they are largely based on secondary data. While actual carbon estimates exist in some locales, a nationwide carbon inventory is needed. This study contributes an evaluation of above- and belowground biomass and carbon stocks in the Kolli Hills of the Eastern Ghats, Tamilnadu. Open access copy available |
Spatial Interpolation of Carbon Stock: A Case Study from the Western Ghats Biodiversity Hotspot, IndiaBackgroundThis study in the Anamalai Hills of the Western Ghats estimates the biomass and carbon stock of major tropical forest types in India and attempts to identify suitable interpolation techniques to map carbon stock. Open access copy available |
Carbon sequestration versus bioenergy: A case study from South India exploring the relative land-use efficiency of two options for climate change mitigationbackgroundThis study explores avenues to meet increased rural electricity demand with carbon emissions mitigation. The study compares the option of energy derived from gasification of biomass from forest plantations to energy derived from fossil fuels, with forest plantations used as a carbon sink.The case study uses power demand, land requirements, and management approaches for Hosahalli village, Karnataka, pop. 218. Available with subscription or purchase |
REDD+ Readiness Implications for Sri Lanka in Terms of Reducing DeforestationBackgroundThis study constructs a historical reference level of emissions from deforestation in Sri Lanka using available forest inventory data and in situ carbon density data. It also attempts to identify drivers of deforestation in Sri Lanka and to estimate the opportunity cost and possible climate benefits of forest conservation. Open access copy available |
Assessing the Mitigation Potential of Forestry Activities in a Changing Climate: A Case Study for KarnatakaBackgroundThe Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) of the Kyoto Protocol has two goals: promote climate mitigation activities that offset carbon dioxide entering the atmosphere, and promote sustainable economic development. Afforestation and reforestation (A/R) projects can often meet these two goals simultaneously. India, which ratified the Kyoto Protocol in 2002, has sought to implement A/R projects as part of the CDM. Available with subscription or purchase |
Variation in Canopy Structure, Light and Soil Nutrition Across Elevation of a Sri Lankan Tropical Rain ForestBackgroundThis study aims to examine differences in resource availability across elevation and geology in mixed dipterocarp forest by measuring light, soil nutrition and soil water availability in relation to forest structure in southwest Sri Lanka. Available with subscription or purchase |
Ectomycorrhizal Colonization and Seedling Growth of Shorea (Dipterocarpaceae) Species in Simulated Shade Environments of a Sri Lankan Rain ForestBackgroundThis study examines how the degree of ectomycorrhizal (EM) colonization of potted Shorea spp. is associated with the amount and quality of daily photosynthetic photon flux density (PFD). Available with subscription or purchase |
Forest conservation, afforestation, and reforestation in India: Implications for forest carbon stocksBackgroundConsidering India’s goal to have 1/3 of their land area forested by 2012, this article assesses the implications of past and current forest conservation and regeneration policies and carbon stock programs. Open access copy available |
Net Primary Productivity of Two Mangrove Forest Stands on the Northwestern Coast of Sri LankaBackgroundThis article compares the net primary production of an estuarine mangrove stand to an island fringing stand in Dutch Bay in northwestern Sri Lanka. Research Goals & MethodsNet above-ground primary productivity was measured by monitoring litterfall and above-ground biomass increment between 1985 and 1987. Available with subscription or purchase |
Structural Properties of Two Types of Mangrove Stands on the Northwestern Coast of Sri LankabackgroundThis article compares the structural diversity of six mangrove stands of both estuarine and island-fringing types in Puttalam lagoon and Dutch Bay in northwestern Sri Lanka. Available with subscription or purchase |
A review of the floral composition and distribution of mangroves in Sri LankaBackgroundThe article reviews literature on the numbers and distributions of Sri Lankan mangrove species and highlights the causes of overestimation. It also attempts to provide an accurate count based on standardized fieldwork over a 4-year period along the coast between Palatupana and Puttalam, Sri Lanka. The authors name some examples of mischaracterized or misidentified species from previous studies and address the importance of clearly defining the terms for mangroves. Open access copy available |