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SPVS Reforestation in the Coastal Atlantic Forest, Brazil

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Temperatura ótima de germinação de sementes de espécies arbóreas brasileiras (Optimun temperature for germination of seeds of Brazilian tree species)

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Crescimento de mudas de Euterpe edulis Martius em resposta a diferentes doses de fósforo (Growth of seedlings of Euterpe edulis Martius in response to different doses of phosphorous)

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Deficiência de macronutrientes em mudas de Sangra d’Agua (Croton urucurana, Baill.)

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Pacto pela restauração da mata atlântica: referencial dos conceitos e ações de restauração florestal (Pact for the Restoration of the Atlantic Forest: Reference for Concepts and Action of Forest Restoration)

An overview of theory, rationale, and techniques for restoration and reforestation of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest.

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Relação entre a presença de vegetação herbácea e a regeneração natural de espécies lenhosas em pastagens abandonadas na Floresta Ombrófila Densa do Sul do Brasil

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Produção De Leite Com Sistemas Silvipastoris Intensivos (Milk Production with Intensive Silvopastoral Systems)

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Restauração de áreas degradadas: a nucleação como base para incrementar os processos sucessionais (Restoration of degraded areas: nucleation as a base for augmenting successional processes)

This article includes a general discussion of the rationale and theory behind nucleation as a way to facilitate forest restoration. The authors explain various nucleation techniques, including soil transfer, direct seeding and hydro-seeding, artificial poles, transfer of branches and organic matter, the planting of seedlings in islands of high diversity, and the collection of seeds for maintenance of genetic variability

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Relação entre o solo e a composição florística de remanescentes devegetação natural no Município de Ribeirão Preto, SP (Relationship between soil and floristic composition of native vegetation remnants in the municipality of Ribeirão Preto,SP)

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Restauração de paisagens e desenvolvimento socioambiental em assentamentos rurais do Pontal de Paranapanema (Landscape restoration and socioenvironmental development in rural settlements in Pontal de Paranapanema)

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Cobertura De Copas Como Indicador De Desenvolvimento Estrutural De Reflorestamentos De Restauração De Matas Ciliares No Médio Vale Do Paranapanema, SP, Brasil

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Evolução estrutural de reflorestamentos de restauração de matas ciliares no Médio Vale do Paranapanema (Structural evolution of planted riparian forests in the Mid Paranapanema Valley, SP, Brazil)

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Impacto humano afeta negativamente a dispersão de sementes de frutos ornitocóricos: uma perspectiva global (Human impact affects negatively the seed dispersal in ornithochorous fruits: a global perspective)

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Florestas e Bioenergia (Forests and Bioenergy)

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Caracterização do Dossel e do Estrato de Regeneração Natural no Sub-Bosque e em Clareiras de Uma Florestal Estacional Semidecidual no Município de Viçosa, MG

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Banco de Sementes como Indicador de Restauração de uma Área Degradada por Mineração de Caulim em Brás Pires, MG

The authors germinated the seed bank from degraded former kaolin mining sites that have regenerated naturally for a period of 20 years. They used two light treatments usedfor the germination: one with 11.5% shade, and another with 60%. There was a wide range of variation among the species according to the light level, with some species producing far more seedlings under one treatment that the other. Most (2/3) of the species germinating (total n: 36) were herbaceous, with eight tree species (see above).

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Comparação de diferentes densidades de feijão guandu (Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.) na restauração florestal de uma área de reserva legal no Pontal do Paranapanema, SP

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Conceitos e Definições Correlatos à Ciência e à Prática da Restauração Ecológica - Glossário e dicionário inglês-português

This resource provides a glossary and dictionary of concepts and vocabulary of reforestation and restoration, including extensive definitions of 170 terms in Portuguese, together with the closest equivalent term in English. It is a useful tool for comprehension of technical and ecological terms in Portuguese and English.

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O recobrimento do Brasil (The Recovery of Brazil)

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A regeneração natural como um serviço do ecossistema: uma proposta metodológica para o seu cálculo (Natural regeneration as an ecosystem service: a methodological proposal for its calculation)


This study begins by stating that the economic quantification of ecosystem services is a crucial step towards their sustainable use.

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