Ecosystem Restoration of Riparian Forests in Sao Paulo Project
Since the 1970s, the Sao Paulo region of Brazil has experienced extensive expansion of the agro-industry, reducing native vegetation coverage, increasing strain on natural resources, and contributing to land degredation. The Ecosystem Restoration of Riparian Forests in Sao Paulo Project was created in 2005 and ran until 2011 to correct these trends.
Goals & Approach
The objective of this project was to reverse land degradation in riparian ecosystems and agroecosystems through on-the-ground investment and encouraging sustainable land managment through policy, regulatory, economic, and institutional means.
Reported Takeaways
The evaluation of the project is modest, identifying achievements and efficiency as downfalls. The following four lessons were critical takeaways from the project: importance of understanding the motives of various landholders in order to adhopt and maintain practices of restoration, consistency between the objectives statements and the scale of investments is essential, working through multiple institutional players has its benefits and challenges, and early consensus on M&E efforts are required.
World Bank. 2014. Brazil - Ecosystem Restoration of Riparian Forests in Sao Paulo Project (English). Washington DC ; World Bank Group.
- The World Bank