An Ethnographic Study of Tree-Planting Successes and Failures by Small Farmers in Paraguay

An Ethnographic Study of Tree-Planting Successes and Failures by Small Farmers in Paraguay


This thesis outlines the characteristics of farmers that successfully implement forestry projects in eastern Paraguay. The work begins by providing background information on the geographical, political, and social aspects of Paraguay and the focal community, as well as a summary of the literature on agroforestry. 

research goals & methods

The thesis outlines a reforestation project that included three species (Melia azederach, Peltophorum dubium, Cordia trichotoma). Interviews with the local community were also conducted.

conclusions & takeaways

The author identifies the following characteristics as indicators of a farmer's likelihood for success in the implementation of forestry projects: secure land tenure, agricultural practices that meet daily needs, family sustainability, establishment of innovative projects, and outside assistance. The author suggests that reforestation projects be planned with respect to a general agricultural calendar to identify when participants will have sufficient time to participate, while also recommending that projects be based on farmers' needs.



Schnobrich, K.M. 2001, "An Ethnographic Study of Tree-Planting Successes and Failures by Small Farmers in Paraguay", MS Thesis, Michigan Technical University, Houghton, Michigan.


  • School of Forest Resources and Environmental Science, Michigan Technical University, Houghton, Michigan