Exotic Trees as Nurse-Trees for the Regeneration of Natural Tropical Forests

Exotic Trees as Nurse-Trees for the Regeneration of Natural Tropical Forests


This article challenges widely-held views that the presence of exotic tree plantations in the tropics harm the environment. Through collecting evidence from experiences in tropical countries, the authors argue that exotic tree canopies exert protective functions - a nurse effect - for the regeneration of natural forest. 

Conclusions & Takeaways

Upon reviewing the available evidence, the authors conclude that the objective to exotic tree plantations is not warranted, particulary in countries that are in urgent need of reforestation in order to meet the increasing demand for timber, firewood, and nontimber forest project while also ensuring that natural forests are protected. 



Feyera S, Beck E, Lüttge U. Exotic trees as nurse-trees for the regeneration of natural tropical forests. Trees. 2002;16:245–249. doi:10.1007/s00468-002-0161-y.


  • Technische Universität Darmstadt, Institut für Botanik, Darmstadt, Germany