Foresters' beliefs about farmers: a priority for social science research in social forestry
The author states that social science research is largely lacking throughout forestry, not due to its inadequacy but a failure to select relevant topics to be explore through social science research. The paper attempts to show that conducting social science research about foresters' belief is valid and necessary.
Goals & Methods
The goal of the paper is to support the thesis that common understanding and purpose are often not shared between government and the people, leading to conflicts of interest. These conflicts are the cause of many development failures. To demonstrate this argument, the author conducted surveys with small-scale farmers and government foresters who were participants in the Forestry Planning and Development Project in Pakistan.
Conclusion & Takeaways
The author notes that there is a disparity between farmers' actions and foresters' beliefs, particularl regarding the formers' attitudes towards planting trees, interested species, and uses of trees. The author claims that this disparity can be blamed on both the foresters' and social scientists of the project.
Foresters\textquotesingle beliefs about farmers: a priority for social science research in social forestry. Agroforestry Systems. 1992;17:13–41. doi:10.1007/bf00122925.
- East- West Center (EAPI), Honolulu, HawaiL HI, USA