Cordia alliodora
A Survey of Small-Scale Farmers Using Trees in Pastures in Herrera Province, PanamabackgroundThe Herrera Province on the Azuero Peninsula of Panamá has experienced significant deforestation for the purpose of cattle ranching. research goal & methodsThe goal of the study was to determine more information about the use of trees in smallholder cow pastures. Herreran pasture owners were interviewed about the different uses for trees in their pastures as well as the variety of tree species. Available with subscription or purchase |
Shade management in coffee and cacao plantationsBackgroundShade trees reduce the stress of coffee (Coffea spp.) and cacao (Theobroma cacao) by ameliorating adverse climatic conditions and nutritional imbalances and increase the biodiversity of coffee farms, but they may also compete for growth resources. This review summarizes the literature on ecological aspects of shade-grown coffee and cacao and on management of shade trees, but does not address economic and social aspects of shade-grown coffee and cacao. Available with subscription or purchase |
Coffee Agroforestry Systems in Central America: I. A Review of Quantitative Information on Physiological and Ecological ProcessesBackgroundCoffee (Coffea arabica, L.) is the most widely grown cash crop in Central America. While previous research identified various environmental factors that affect its growth and yield, the authors believe that quantitative knowledge of coffee and other tropical agroforestry systems is still limited. This article provides both a literature review and a summary of quantitative data necessary to develop process-based models for coffee agroforestry systems in Central America. Open access copy available |
Coffee Agroforestry Systems in Central America: II. Development of a Simple Process-Based Model and Preliminary ResultsBackgroundGlobally, coffee (Coffea arabica, L.) is an important cash crop. In past decades, there was a growing trend in Central America towards high-input monocultures, but most recently, agroforestry is again becoming a common system. However, it is difficult to optimise the selection of shade tree species in an agroforestry system. This article provides information on a simple dynamic model for coffee-agroforestry systems in Central America. Available with subscription or purchase |
The Role of Rustic Coffee Plantations in the Conservation of Wild Tree Diversity in the Chinantec Region of MexicobackgroundThis study examines the potential of shade coffee systems to promote native tree diversity across the landscape of southern Mexico. Research Goals & MethodsTwenty-two coffee plantations, representing a range of elevation and age of development, were sampled to assess their species compositions. In total, 45 species (34 tree species) were recorded in the plantations, and 77% of them were native species. Open access copy available |
Forest Plantations in Costa Rica and Nicaragua: Performance of Species and Preferences of FarmersbackgroundThis paper presents data on the survival and growth of mixed native and exotic forest plantations established on abandoned pastures in Costa Rica and Nicaragua. The article also includes information on farmer species preference and socioeconomic information. Open access copy available |
The Agroforestree DatabaseAboutThe Agroforestree (AFT) Database was created in 2009 by the World Forestry Centre and provides specifics and selection guides on both native and exotic agroforestry trees. ContentThe database contains information about 600 tree species useful in agrofrorestry. Species descriptions include the tree's characteristics, ecology, native range, management, and agroforestry uses. The database is searchable by country, native or exotics species, products and/or services provided, and by the first letter of the species.
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The Structure and Composition of a Tropical Dry Forest Landscape After Land Clearance; Azuero Peninsula, PanamabackgroundThis article describes natural regeneration that has occured in five different habitat types in the Azuero Peninsula of Panama. These habitat types include active pasture, 2-yr abandoned pasture, 5-yr abandoned pasture, forest riparian zones, and a secondary forest fragment. This region is characterized by agricultural and cattle ranching landcapes in areas that previously were tropical dry forest (1700 mm rainfall per year) until the mid-20th century and have recently been undergoing rapid turnover in land ownership. Available with subscription or purchase |
Evaluation of Reforestation Potential of 83 Tree Species Planted on Imperata cylindrica Dominated Grassland – A case Study from South Kalimantan, IndonesiabackgroundIn this study, 83 tree species (native and exotic) were tested for their growth and survival in species selection trials in South Kalimantan, Indonesia. Research Goals & MethodsThe trees were planted between January 1987 and December 1988 in areas dominated by the exotic grass Imperata cylindrica and weeding was conducted twice a year. Available with subscription or purchase |
Nagarote Reforestation and Community Development Project - SosteNicaBackgroundSosteNica and CEPRODEL work together to provide microcredit and technical assistance to help communities in Nicaragua improve the environmental on their land while also improving the economic opportunities for those communities. Open access copy available |