Genipa americana
Growth and effects of thinning of mixed and pure plantations with native trees in humid tropical Costa RicaBackgroundAs reforestation with native tree species gains in popularity, more information about proper management is needed. This study examines the growth and responses to thinning of ten native species in mixed and pure-species plantations in the Caribbean Lowlands of Costa Rica. Open access copy available |
Environmental Services of Native Tree Plantations and Agroforestry Systems in Central AmericaBackgroundPlantations and agroforestry systems supply wood and environmental services such as carbon sequestration and recovery of biodiversity. At the time of writing (2004), Central American countries were developing systems of payments for environmental services to encourage the development of these systems. Available with subscription or purchase |
Growth characteristics of some native tree species used in silvopastoral systems in the humid lowlands of Costa RicaBackgroundDegraded pastures established throughout Central America in the latter 20th C are gradually transitioning to silvopasture or secondary forest. Understanding growth characteristics of trees on these lands is important for proper management. Available with subscription or purchase |
Restoration of seasonal semideciduous forests in Brazil: influence of age and restoration design on forest structureBackgroundWith the high rates of deforestation in tropical regions, the restoration of degraded lands has become an important way for maintaining the diversity of plant communities and for creating wildlife habitats. Evaluating the success of restored areas is essential for improving restoration designs and for successfully restoring such complex ecosystems. Open access copy available |
Facilitating Regeneration of Secondary Forests with the Use of Mixed and Pure Plantations of Indigenous Tree SpeciesbackgroundThis research presents the abundance and diversity of woody species regenerating under tropical plantations (mixed and single-species) and a control of natural regeneration at La Selva Biological Station in the Atlantic humid lowlands of Costa Rica. Available with subscription or purchase |
Promoting Biodiversity: Advances in Evaluating Native Species for ReforestationbackgroundThis article describes the design of a long-term species screening trial conducted at La Selva Biological Station in Costa Rica. Research Goals & MethodsGrowth and survivability data is presented for 84 species (17 popular exotics used for timber and 67 little-known local species with timber potential) at 3 years of age. Available with subscription or purchase |
Responses of 20 Native Tree Species to Reforestation Strategies for Abandoned Farmland in PanamaBackgroundIn the tropics, deforestation often leads to unproductive agriculture and results in degraded grasslands. This study seeks to understand why forests fail to regenerate naturally in these ecosystems. Open access copy available |