Agricultural Land

Caracterización del conocimiento local del componente arbóreo en fincas ganaderas (Characterization of the local knowledge of the tree component in cattle farms)



La producción ganadera es una de las principales económicas en la Municipalidad de Pupiales en Colombia, donde participan alrededor de 950 productores. La información relacionada a los sistemas de producción no ha sido sistematizada con frecuencia, sin embargo es de gran importancia para los procesos de investigación y de toma de decisiones.

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Profiles of Carbon Stocks in Forest, Reforestation and Agricultural Land, Northern Thailand


This study assesses carbon stocks in various forms and land-use types in the Nam Yao sub-watershed, Thailand, to estimate the impact of land use on carbon stocks.

Research Goals & Methods

The carbon stocks of aboveground, soil organic, and fine root within primary forest, reforestation and agricultural land were estimated through field data collection.

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Tecnología para la reforestación en América Latina (Reforestation technology in Latin America)

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Sistemas silvopastoriles como una herramienta para el mejoramiento de la productividad y restauración de la integridad ecológica de paisajes ganaderos



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Woody Plant Diversity and Structure of Shade-Grown-Coffee Plantations in Northern Chiapas, Mexico


This article presents research on coffee stand structure and diversity, with data collected from 61 coffee plots in Chiapas, Mexico.

Research Goals & Methods

The following variables were measured: coffee density, slope, plot aspect, the number of individuals of each shade species (divided into 9 diametric classes), number of strata, species use, and presence of woody plant species.

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The Role of Rustic Coffee Plantations in the Conservation of Wild Tree Diversity in the Chinantec Region of Mexico


This study examines the potential of shade coffee systems to promote native tree diversity across the landscape of southern Mexico.

Research Goals & Methods

Twenty-two coffee plantations, representing a range of elevation and age of development, were sampled to assess their species compositions. In total, 45 species (34 tree species) were recorded in the plantations, and 77% of them were native species.

Open access copy available

Impacts of Native Trees on Tropical Soils: A Study in the Atlantic Lowlands of Costa Rica


This article describes the results of a study in Costa Rica that compared the soil fertility in a 2.5 year-old plantation of 6 native tree species, grass pasture, and 20 year-old secondary forest.

Research Goals & Methods

Soil extractable Ca, Mg, K, P, Fe, Mn, Cu and Zn, the pH, exchangeable acidity, organic matter and total N were measured in three plots.

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Manual de Reforestación para América Tropical (Reforestation Manual for Tropical America)

Este documento aporta una visión general de la reforestación a partir de muchas perspectivas diferentes.

Open access copy available

Forest Management Practices in the Bayano Region of Panama: Cultural Variations


This paper examines differences in forest exploitation between indigenous groups and colonists along an agricultural frontier in Panama and focuses on differences in forest use, economic base, and management practices.

Research Goals & Methods

The author compares total annual income, timber harvest volume and tree planting efforts per household in 5 indigenous villages and 3 colonist villages.

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Postdispersal Seed Fate of Tropical Montane Trees in an Agricultural Landscape, Southern Costa Rica


This study seeks to understand postdispersal seed fate in Montane Costa Rica in order to better identify factors driving forest regeneration.

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