Carbon Stocks and Sequestration

Contribution des écosystèmes continentaux à la séquestration du carbone (Contribution of continental ecosystems to carbon sequestration)

This article focuses on the contribution of forest ecosystems on biomass and soil carbon stocks. The authors address variability, difficulties with measurement, and anthropogenic land use influences on carbon stocks.


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Formations boisées et savanes africaines: opportunités et potentialités de la REDD+ (Wooded formations and African savannas: opportunities and potential of REDD+)

The authors provide an overview of the REDD+ program and deforestation in Africa. They addressed limitations fo REDD+ and noted that because each community is different, each project must be tailored to the individual needs of communities.


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Financial Governance and Indonesia’s Reforestation Fund during the Soeharto and Post-Soeharto Periods, 1989–2009: A Political Economic Analysis of Lessons for REDD+


In this occassional paper, CIFOR notes how Indonesia is in an unique position to utilize the REDD+ initiative to increase revenue and reduce loss of forest cover, overall contributing to the reduction in global carbon emmssions. In order to offer lessons for the future, this paper examines the financial management and government practices of the country's Reforestation Fund over the past two decades.

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Tropical reforestation and climate change: beyond carbon


Tropical reforestation has been highlighted as an important intervention for climate change mitigation because of its carbon storage potential. Tropical reforestation can also play other frequently overlooked, but significant, roles in helping society and ecosystems adapt to climate variability and change.

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Les Forêts du Bassin du Congo: Etat des Forêts 2006 (Forests of the Congo Basin: State of the Forests 2006)

The authors compiled an comprehensive report on the state of the forests in twelve forested landscapes of the Congo Basin region of Africa. They include a wide range of topics including conservation, human inhabitants of the forests, exploitation of forest resources, other threats to the forest, and priorities for restoration.


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GHG Mitigation Potential, Costs and Benefits in Global Forests: A Dynamic Partial Equilibrium Approach


In this article, the authors discuss the global mitigation potential for greenhouse gas carbon sequestration in forest plantations. They estimate the land area that land users would plant or prevent from being deforested above the reference scenario of no carbon prices. Their economic analysis suggests that billions of dollars are gained through carbon sequestration.

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Le secteur des terres: solution au problème du dérèglement climatique? (The lands sector: solution to climate change?)

The author discusses the merits of using agriculture as a way of sequestering carbon through the use of agroforestry. He presents various case studies of successful re-greening efforts in Africa and noted that investments in agroecology can increase food security and climate resilience. Finally, the author notes that rural areas need to be taken into account when considering climate negotiations because they hold the potential to drastically increase carbon sequestration.


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Structure spatiale des arbres des savanes boisées et forêts claires soudaniennes : implication pour les enrichissements forestiers (Spatial structure of trees in forested savanna and Sudanian forests: implication for forest enrichment)

This article is concerned with modeling ideal spacial distributions of tree species in Benin. The authors suggest 3 meters as the ideal distance between trees of the same species, or 4.5 meters between trees of different species.


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Forest Landscape Restoration Opportunity Assessment for Rwanda


Rwanda is a densely populated, landlocked country that relies significantly on non-mechanized agriculture. In 2011, the country also committed to restore 2 million hectares of forest and agricultural land to the Bonn Challenge. The government has recognized the Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR) approach as the ideal means to achieving this goal.

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Monitoring of Carbon Abatement in Forestry Projects - Case Study of Western Ghat Project


The forestry sector is increasingly being turned to as a means to address greenhouse gases, particularly in the tropics. Due to this, it is critical to conduct monitoring that measures, records, and verifies the amount of carbon sequestered or emmissions avoided through these forestry schemes. 

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