Restoration and Management Strategies

Regeneration of Native Plant Species in Restored Forests on Degraded Lands in Singapore


This article presents the natural regeneration of woody species in the understory of 1 year-old and 4-year old plantation in Singapore.

Research Goals & Methods

Although the the site was cleared, except for remnant trees,before planting, the rootmatt of the fern Dicranopteris was left in the plots. One plot within each site had the rootmat manually removed. Regeneration of species greater than 10 cm in length were counted and identified.

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Biomass Distribution Among Tropical Tree Species Grown Under Differing Regional Climates


This study presents results from species selection trials in Panama as part of the PRORENA project, which examined the most effective species and methods for Panamanian government-supported reforestation projects.

research goal & methods

In 2003, 16 native and 2 exotic species were planted in single-species plots with a 3m x 3m spacing of trees at two different sites (one seasonally wet, one more dry). All plots were thinned to 50% of their original density at two years after plantation establishment, and the thinned trees were measured for biomass and biomass partitioning.

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Tropical Forestry Practices for Carbon Sequestration


Carbon sequestration through forestry has the potential to play a significant role in ameliorating global environmental problems such as atmospheric accumulation of greenhouse gases and climate change. This chapter provides an overview of various aspects related to carbon sequestration through forestry.

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Profiles of Carbon Stocks in Forest, Reforestation and Agricultural Land, Northern Thailand


This study evaluates the difference in above-ground and below-ground carbon stock between forest, reforestation, and agricultural land in northern Thailand.

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Growth, carbon sequestration, and management of native tree plantations in humid regions of Costa Rica


The Costa Rican government has provided incentives for reforestation programs since 1986 and initiated a Payment for Environmental Services program in 1996. These incentives yielded native species reforestation programs throughout the country. This study examines growth, carbon sequestration, and management of seven native tree species (Vochysia guatemalensis, Vochysia ferruginea, Hyeronima alchorneoides, Calophyllum brasiliense, Terminalia amazonia, Virola koschnyi, and Dipteryx panamensis) in single-species plantations managed by small landowners.

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Restoring Forest Landscapes in the Face of Climate Change


This book chapter focuses on how forest restoration can serve as an adaptive management strategy to climate change, especially given the positive impacts restoration can have for people and biodiversity.

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Importance of Input Classification to Graph Automata Simulations of Forest Cover Change in the Peruvian Amazon


In an area of Peru difficult for remote sensing imaging of deforestation and regeneration, the authors evaluate landcover and detect changes in landuse using novel data simulation techniques.

Research goals & Methods

The authors aim to compensate for remote assessments of deforestation or reforestation that may be strongly dependent on the seasonality of input images. To do this, they ran graph automata simulations while varying forest cover inputs to model land cover change. 

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The Lembo System: A Model for Agroforestry in Dipterocarp Forest Ecosystems of East Kalimantan


This article describes the Lembo system of agroforestry, a traditional practice by the Dayak people in East Kalimantan, Indonesia. In Lembo gardens, around 127 species of woody plants are cultivated, and up to 40 different species can be found per 0.25 ha 90% of which are trees. In those gardens, there is also a large diversity of wild, uncultivated plants.

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Analysis of the Carbon Sequestration Costs of Afforestation and Reforestation Agroforestry Practices and the Use of Cost Curves to Evaluate their Potential for Implementation of Climate Change Mitigation


This article analyzes the carbon sequestration costs of agroforestry afforestation/reforestation projects (ARPs) as part of the UN's Clean Development Mechanism by evaluating both economies of scale and opportunity costs that affect total sequestration costs. The study uses an agroforestry project called Scolel Té in Chiapas, Mexico to calculate the average net present value (ANPV) of the project in terms of carbon price and project area.

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Scolel'te Plan Vivo Project


Starting with a pilot program in 1994, the Scolel'te Project is one of the longest running projects in the Plan Vivo network. It is an ecosystem services program that focuses primarily on reforestation in the Chiapas region of Mexico. 

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