Seeds, Nurseries and Planting

Determinación del potencial germinativo de tres especies maderables nativas de un bosque húmedo tropical en Nicaragua (Determination of the germination potential of timber species native to Nicaragua)



Existe una falta de información sobre alternativas para el cultivo de especies maderables nativas en zonas de amortiguamiento.

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Ecología de bosques tropicales. Descripción desiete especies forestales nativas del bosque húmedo tropical en el sur de Costa Rica (Description of seven native species from the tropical rain forest in Costa Rica)

Los autores presentan resultados de investigaciones detalladas sobre las primeras fases de desarrollo de siete especies arbóreas nativas de la Península de Osa, Costa Rica. Los resultados más importantes son:

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Germinación y supervivencia de seis especies nativas de un bosque tropical de Tabasco, México (Germination and survival of six species native to a tropical forest of Tabasco, Mexico)

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Responses of Tree Seedlings to the Removal of Chromolaena odorata Linn. in a Degraded Forest in Ghana


This study assesses the effects of Chromolaena odorata, a dense grass removal on native trees seedlings in a degraded dry semi-deciduous forest in Ghana.

Research Goals & Methods

Chromolaena odorata was removed from 50% of the plots and the other half left intact. Seedling height, the number of leaves per seedling, and seedling mortality were investigated in both released and unreleased plots immediately after the release treatment in June 1998 and again 3 months later September 1998.

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Efecto de dos tratamientos pregerminativos en las semillas de Celtis caudata Planch. y Ptelea trifoliata L., especies nativas de la vegetación del Bajío Queretano, México (Effect of pre-germination treatments in seeds of Celtis caudata)

Open access copy available

Enriquecimiento de plantaciones forestales como herramienta para la rehabilitación de ambientes degradados en la region sur Ecuatoriana (Enrichment and rehabilitation of degraded environments in southern Ecuador)



El estudio analiza el potencial de adaptación de especies nativas a las condiciones de plantaciones de Pinus patula, en una plantación cerca de la Estación Científica San Francisco en la región sur del Ecuador.

Objetivos y Metodología

El trabajo estudia dos micro-ambientes: claros y bajo dosel de plantación, instalando cuatro parcelas en cada uno de ellos, con un total de 648 individuos de nueve especies nativas.

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Occurrence of Nodulation in Unexplored Leguminous Trees Native to the West African Tropical Rainforest and Inoculation Response of Native Species useful in Reforestation


Few studies examine the ability of leguminous tree species to nodulate and fix atmospheric N, especially symbiotically with rhizobia; this study seeks to fill that research gap.  The occurrence of nodulation was determined in 156 mature leguminous species growing in 6 natural forest areas in south-eastern Guinea and an in situ experiment of rhizobia inoculation was performed on 8 selected tree species.

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Forest Restoration in Abandoned Agricultural Land: a Case Study from East Africa


This study quantifies the pattern of forest recovery following clearing and 3 years of cultivation of an abandoned agricultural land adjacent to a 300ha relatively undisturbed natural forest in a moist-evergreen forest in Kibale National Park, Uganda.

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Are Mangroves Worth Replanting? The Direct Economic Benefits of a Community-Based Reforestation Project


This study examines the socioeconomic impacts of a community-led reforestation project in the Philippines through a survey of the local fishers over 10 years after replanting. The wider objective of the study was to obtain greater data on the local economic value of mangroves and present it as a comparison to other land uses such as development and aquaculture.

Open access copy available

Rehabilitación de algunas propiedades químicas de los suelos con ensambles experimentales de leñosas nativas y Casuarina equisetifolia en Veracruz (Rehabilitation of soil chemical properties with native woody assemblies)

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