Seeds, Nurseries and Planting
Cultural Assessment of Reforestation Practices in Rural Eastern ParaguaybackgroundThis master's thesis examines reforestation projects in eastern Paraguay with the aim of improving the methods of agroforestry extensionists. It describes the geography and historical background of Paraguay, including information on economic and environmental problems. It then provides a detailed site description of the study community and reforestation programs in rural Paraguay generally. Open access copy available |
Bwa Yo: Important Trees of HaitibackgroundThis book, published in 1996, presents important tree species in Haiti as part of a USAID effort to address environmental degradation in Haiti. The trees presented are mainly those in the agricultural landscape, providing food or fuel, although trees with cultural or ecological importance are also presented. Each tree profile provides information and photos including discussions of the species and common names, importance, taxonomy and botanical features, distribution and ecology, tree characteristics, utilization, propagation, and other findings (biomass studies, growth performance, tree improvement, seed research, and/or planting stock quality). Open access copy available |
Arboles de Centroamerica: un Manual para Extensionistas (Trees of Central America: a Manual for Extentionists)EspañolAntecedentesLos agricultores de Centro América afrontan una compleja realidad que usualmente no es considerada en las iniciativas de manejo sostenible, lo que repercute en la falta de éxito de estas. En un esfuerzo por insertar las necesidades reales de los agricultores a estas actividades, este manual busca cubrir la brecha de información relacionada a especies arbóreas nativas de América Central. Available with subscription or purchase |
Agroforestry Training Program: Taking Action, Reaching OutbackgroundOpen access copy available |
Programa Nacional Para La Conservaction, Restauracion y Manejo Der Ecosistema De Bosque Seco En Nicaragua
Open access copy available |
Optimising Seedling Management: Pouteria sapota, Diospyros digyna, and Cedrela odorata in a Mexican RainforestbackgroundThis study compares the height growth of three native tree species (Pouteria sapota, Diospyros digyna, and Cedrela odorata) during the first two years after transplantation from a nursery in three plot types (primary rainforest, secondary forest, and open pasture) in Veracruz, Mexico. Research Goals & MethodsThe effects of canopy closure, leaf nutrients, initial seedling height and seed mass on the final height of the plant after two years were analyzed. Open access copy available |
Sustaining Tropical Forest Resources: Reforestation of Degraded LandsbackgroundThis government report provides background material on tropical reforestation and discusses techniques to reforest degraded tropical lands. It considers species planting issues such as: native v. exotic species, monoculture v. polyculture, single purpose v. multipurpose trees, and genetic improvement and plant breeding. Open access copy available |
Manual of Reforestation and Erosion Control for the PhilippinesbackgroundThis manual provides a detailed guide to reforestation, including information about species selection, nursery techniques, site preparation and plantation design, weed and fire control, stand improvement and other practical aspects of establishing and managing tree plantations. Additionally, there is a large portion devoted to erosion control, using trees and engineered structures to stabilize slopes and decrease the velocity of water runoff. Open access copy available |
Low technology tree propagation and the restoration of natural forest ecosystemsBackgroundThis chapter outlines the need for reforestation in Southeast Asia, with a focus on Thailand, and describes the nursery and propagation processes necessary for successful production of native species for reforestation. The paper focuses mainly on the Forest Restoration Research Unit (FORRU), which was established to address the need for information on native species for reforestation, especially information on seedlings and nursery practices. Most information on propagation available before the creation of FORRU referred to exotic species. Open access copy available |
Monitoring of Black Mangrove Restoration with Nursery-Reared Seedlings on an Arid Coastal LagoonbackgroundThis paper describes a reforestation experiment with black mangrove (Avicennia germinans) in an arid mangrove forest of Baja California Sur, Mexico. In arid mangrove systems, natural regeneration and small-scale reforestation are not adequate to restore mangrove forests, as they may be in the humid tropics. Thus, alternative nursery techniques for arid mangroves must be developed. Available with subscription or purchase |