Seeds, Nurseries and Planting
Helping Forests to Help Themselves—Accelerating Natural RegenerationbackgroundThis chapter walks through the basic techniques of accelerated (or assisted) natural regeneration (ANR), describing when it is appropriate, when it should be combined with other techniques, how to increase the seed rain, and areas of needed research. Open access copy available |
Temporary Storage of Jussara Palm Seeds: Effects of Time, Temperature and Pulp on Germination and VigorbackgroundThe seeds of the jussara palm (Euterpe edulis) are recalcitrant and immediate sowing is not always possible after harvest; hence, research that examines the ability of the seeds to be stored and the effect of this storage on germination proves important. Open access copy available |
Bioecologia de Arboles Nativos y Exoticos de Puerto Rico and Las Indias Occidentales (Silvics of Native and Exotic Trees of Puerto Rico and the Caribbean Islands)EspañolSobreEsta base de datos fue publicada en Junio del 2000 por el USDA y el US Forest Service como recurso para la identificación y propagación de árboles nativos y exóticos de Puerto Rico y el Caribe. Open access copy available |
The Agroforestree DatabaseAboutThe Agroforestree (AFT) Database was created in 2009 by the World Forestry Centre and provides specifics and selection guides on both native and exotic agroforestry trees. ContentThe database contains information about 600 tree species useful in agrofrorestry. Species descriptions include the tree's characteristics, ecology, native range, management, and agroforestry uses. The database is searchable by country, native or exotics species, products and/or services provided, and by the first letter of the species.
Open access copy available |
Manual de Reforestación para América Tropical (Reforestation Manual for Tropical America)Este documento aporta una visión general de la reforestación a partir de muchas perspectivas diferentes. Open access copy available |
Temperatura ótima de germinação de sementes de espécies arbóreas brasileiras (Optimun temperature for germination of seeds of Brazilian tree species)Open access copy available |
Studies on the Seed Biology of 100 Native Species of Trees in a Seasonal Moist Tropical Forest, Panama, Central AmericaBackgroundSince 1998, the Panama Canal Watershed has experienced a decline in forest cover. The watershed ensures a functioning canal, thus there has been a significant investment in resources to reforest and restore the region. While these projects have focused primarily on native species, there has been issues with seed-handling. Available with subscription or purchase |
The Role of Animal Seed Dispersal in Accelerating Native Forest Regeneration on Degraded Tropical LandsbackgroundThis article reviews the role of seed-dispersal in forest regeneration. In natural forest, species with animal-dispersed species tend to predominated in both early and mid-stages of succession, while wind-dispersed species tend to be vines and canopy species. The implications of wind versus animal seed dispersal are briefly summarized. Available with subscription or purchase |
Crescimento de mudas de Euterpe edulis Martius em resposta a diferentes doses de fósforo (Growth of seedlings of Euterpe edulis Martius in response to different doses of phosphorous)Open access copy available |
Ecology of Tree Seed and Seedlings: Implications for Tropical Forest Conservation and RestorationbackgroundThis article reviews literature concerning germination and seedling growth pertinent to tropical forest conservation and restoration, examining the various processes and factors that seeds are exposed to. Open access copy available |