Understory Regeneration
Accelerating tropical forest restoration through the selective removal of pioneer speciesbackgroundThis study presents initial findings on the impact of thinning on recovery of a selectively logged secondary forest in Sumatra. The study tests the hypothesis that thinning of pioneer species will produce stands with greater proportional basal area of late-successional species, effectively accelerating succession of the stand. Available with subscription or purchase |
Restoration of Degraded Tropical Forest LandscapesBackgroundDeforestation and the declining extent of tropical forests has negatively impacted ecosystem functions, services, and goods and has disproportionately harmed the rural poor of tropical countries. In the wake of deforestation, agricultural development and traditional methods of reforestation (plantations) have largely failed to provide sustainable livelihoods. This review article assesses the strengths and weaknesses of different tropical restoration methods to combat forest degredation and address rural poverty. Open access copy available |
Secondary Forest Regeneration under Fast-Growing Forest Plantations on Degraded Imperata cylindrica GrasslandsBackgroundThis study compares the regeneration of native tree species under the canopy of tree plantations, riverine areas, and uncultivated grassland areas in the Riam Kiwa plantation area of South Kalimantan, Indonesia. This area has a distinct dry season and deeply weathered, acidic soils, and is considered good for forest plantations. Available with subscription or purchase |
The Restoration Diagnostic: A Method for Developing Forest Landscape Restoration Strategies by Rapidly Assessing the Status of Key Success FactorsBackgroundThis report outlines the social, economic, and environmental benefits that forest restoration landscape restoration can have in countries with degraded or deforested landscapes. Open access copy available |
Effet de la lumière des trouées de la canopée sur le potentiel et la dissémination de Gnetum africanum dans les écosystèmes forestiers congolaisThis article examines Gnetum africanum, a species of commercial interest in Central African forests. The authors Iinvestigated the importance of light in Gnetum africanum dispersal and regeneration by analysing the effect of canopy gaps on Gnetum africanum in different forest types. Ther determined that Gnetum africanum is a shade tolerant species that needs shade to germinate and prefers low light levels as juveniles.
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Croissance et assimilation nette foliaire de jeunes plants de dix arbres de la forêt guyanaise, cultivés à cinq niveaux d'éclairementbackgroundThis study assesses the growth of ten species of tropical rainforest trees under 5 different light conditions. Conclusions & TakeawaysThe authors find that juveniles of most species did best in 25-45% sun light conditions and that the lowest light levels severely decrease growth across species.
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Explorer la banque de graines du sol pour mieuxcomprendre la dynamique de régénération des forêtstropicales africaines (synthèse bibliographique)The authors provide a review of the current knowledge of soil seed banks in African tropical forests. They argue that increased knowledge of soil seed banks will lead to better understanding of forest regeneration and therefore more successful reforestation efforts. Finally, the authors call for better characterization of seed banks based on forest community, as this could aid reforestation and sustainable forest management efforts in African tropical forests.
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Restoration Ecology of Lowland Tropical Peatlands in Southeast Asia: Current Knowledge and Future Research DirectionsBackgroundWhile there has been extensive research on northern peatlands, there has been limited studies that have studied tropical peatlands. Southeast Asia in particular has experienced significant deforestation and degradation of peatlands, thus resulting in a rise of landscape-scale restoration projects. Open access copy available |
Establishment of Tree Seedlings in the Understory of Restoration Plantations: Natural Regeneration and Enrichment PlantingsBackgroundThis study investigates how seedling establishment is affected in the understory of restoration sites of different ages (10,22 and 55 year-old) within the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. It also assesses some of the environmental microsite conditions that influenced the stand dynamics process. Available with subscription or purchase |
Changes in vegetation structure and composition along a tropical forest chronosequence: implications for wildlifeBackgroundChanges in tropical forest structure and species composition that occur during regeneration following land abandonment may have important consequences for wildlife populations. Many animals rely on forest resources as sites for foraging, nesting, and protection that may vary in abundance in forests of different ages. This study examines aspects of forest composition and structure thought to be important to wildlife along a tropical moist forest chronosequence in the Barro Colorado Nature Monument of central Panama. Available with subscription or purchase |